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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. No, if anything, CoD is turning more into halo.....
  2. currently there is NO way of contacting 343, the only thing you can do is go on their forum halo.xbox.com and post there.
  3. Changed Donut. NO MORE CHANGES NOW.
  4. Pecked at by a girffon, at least then i wouldn't die and smell bad Would you rather be a number or a letter?
  5. i play better after having some form of an energy drink.
  6. Seems to be becoming more like halo all the time....
  7. Can't accept you., you didn't read the guidelines.
  8. Hit, i'd feel much better afterwards. Wyr be a bouncy ball or a ball that doesn't bounce?
  9. ive not seen this either. Its pretty cool, hope the halo 4 bonuses are actually confirmed
  10. I live in The United Kingdom, i don't need to go in background information, everyone knows what the UK is like. More Specific, Lancashire, which was part of the War of the Roses (Lancashire Vs Yorkshire) in 1455. Lancashire is represented by a red rose. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Lancashire_rose.svg rose shown there.
  11. You want to represent your country on the 343 forum? You want to be Leader of the forum in your side of the world? well then, this is the place to be! (I know there is a Represent USA Presidental thing, and i didn't get the ide aoff this, this is for EVERY country.) If you win, you get an AWARD You have 2 WEEKS to Represent yourself ENTERING THE COMPETITION ENDS ON THE 6TH OF JUNE, THEN VOTING WILL BEGIN, IN A SEPERATE THREAD. All you simply have to do is write your username, country, and the keyword: 343 Industries So an example of this will be: Username: Mr.biggles Country: England Keyword: 343 Industries. So, lets get this started, simply do this and you will be entered and then i will make a seperate post for people to vote for who they want to represent each country. Lets begin! USA: The Director Vitamin PWN Archangel Tyrael Fire Choot' Em Kurt S-051 Red Death Anarchy Quantum Smokin shadowz ZB-85 Ms.Mystic Drizzy_Dan Undead Reflect Rabbit Dj Pony Fang_19 Zoobkillerninja Trevor Twilight Sparkle Australia: Azaxx Bobo Magroto Canada Nova Carts Bullet Storm Germany Total Mayh3m Vplus2 United Kingdom GazzyMillMill Natalie Mr.Biggles One Lazmarr Elite Pure Wozzy Insignia Fal 'Taralumee Spectral Jester Spain Reflect Mexico King Brony II Donut Italy Effect Russia Le Derp King (Russian Background) Norway Theorix Egypt EgyptianGhetto Chile Mr.Dino
  12. tree. WYR have an normal xbox with internet connection or an xbox 360 with no internet connection?
  13. it must be only like $10 in he US now, and like £6 in the UK.
  14. Mr Biggles


    im wearring the default stuff right now, can't beat the default.
  15. Your stupid because you do dumb things like imitate people's names and then don't change, and then do it again to someone else, then again, sign of immaturity. Bye Cupman.
  16. they said they are going to add more community made maps soon.
  17. they are what you call, boss midgets.
  18. this is nice, but why did u post the same thread 3 times?
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