BR,AR60clipcap,ships/pelican/convent drop ships, ggggggooooooddddd story (not reachs **** line ) , halo 3 rest ,keep graphics , and AIs online and not as stupid or powerful anything else nooooooo way in my game
I make sheild then every thing temple and supply then hall and get a new base move every thing but shields there then build shields and units to counter every unit they send and build and build and your good realy try it
I want to Build armor with effects not like in all before h4 I mean eod strong and tough Eva vehicle upgarde like gauss fast relod and cqb 2 knives and more shot gun shells Jorge armor more shield and side arm like 3 guns only 2 big guns and a pistol
body much and the chief having a kid it's possible he don't require romatic stuff but playing as the chiefs kid would rock because the augments are there already and his body could get stronger than chief
it only hapered the sex drive it could be boosted by medication to crate kids that had the implanted augments so the body could adjust and make even better spatons that's what halo 5 or 6 should be about