Lol to ^ response. First of all, sorry u couldn't get a 50. Halo 3 was a laggier game but it didn't change the fact that u could get ur 50 if u were good...u didn't even have to be great lol. if it lagged for you then, update ur internet, or play with ppl from the us so ur team pulls host. I 100% agree reach neeeeeds a ranking system. Go into MLG alone for 1 hour and see what happens; you'll match up against teams of 4, have ppl with no mic, no skill, and people who quit out. Rank gives people a drive to play. H3 may not have been perfect aned TONS of ppl perferred h2 over h3 but what kept ppl playing it was every time u got online u had an objective to achieve. I made ppl stay up til the wee hours of the morning to try and get their rank up. It separated the ppl who wanted to take the game seriously and those who don't. Social/ranked allowed for ppl to choose whether they wanted to be serious or not.
Look at the current amount of players playing reach compared to what ppl used to play h3. Bloom and no rank killed this game.