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Everything posted by FireisBlazin

  1. I would agree with Gold.... The Bloom is so random its not even funny. If i get into a dmr fight and we are both spamming, aiming at the same area, and firing at the exact same time at medium distance. One of us is going to get a stupid shot that doesn't come anywhere close to where we were aiming meaning now the other guy is going to have a shot up on you. if they took out the bloom the game would come down to accuracy and how well you can strafe shots. NUFF SAID
  2. I usually don't teabag people unless they do it to me first... If they do however I will call his name out to all of my teammates and tell them to spam his body with shots after you kill him then we all meet up and have a party on his face!
  3. Bloom and no rank killed this game. This guy is absolutely 100% correct about everything he said! i agree 110%!
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