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Everything posted by Torint

  1. Pre-ordered it last week along with H4 and battlefield 3.
  2. The ordering would be nice since the AI sucks really bad.
  3. In H3,most people who had hayabusa wore it.
  4. It's confirmed that there will be indestructible vehicles.
  5. You get rank reset if you do challenge reseting.
  6. I'm tired of seeing the same exact and somewhat modified challenges each day.
  7. Firefight limited is pretty bad because of quitters and people hogging lives.
  8. Come on,it's not that bad.Jetpakers are easy to kill.
  9. Torint

    halo 4 preorder

    I pre-ordered H4 a few days ago along with CEA and Battlefield 3.I don' know what's with the H4 pre-order bonus.
  10. If it was a plan for a 720 microsoft would have announced it at E3.
  11. It would be awesome with forerunner stuff.
  12. It WILL be back since it made good use out of your imagination.
  13. There probably will be theater mode because it's a pretty simple mechanic.
  14. I hope the maps 343 selects will be awesome.
  15. Because everything except graphics will be the same
  16. Things can sound really weird if you don't hear it right.
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