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Everything posted by CommonDiscipIe
Halo: Reach Why it's bad and Why im happy it's getting an update.
CommonDiscipIe replied to Dominator's topic in Halo Reach
And it is our point that we don't agree with you. Yes we read, I regret it, but I read. And you say Halo is full of kids, but your sentence structure and grammar make you out to be no more than 12 years old. -
Already in an elite clan, with much better structure already. Do you want to join?
You are an idiot if you believe these things.
petition to have proper armour colors in invasion (poll)
CommonDiscipIe replied to g00n77's topic in Halo Reach
Yup. -
I thought that the Covenant was supposed to have better technology than the humans. Let's review that. WEAPONS First thing I would like to point out, is that human weapons have great damage against Covenant vehicles, where as Covenant Weapons, besides the Plasma Pistol, are horrid against vehicles. Assault Rifle vs. Plasma Repeater- They both have the exact same damage, except the Plasma Repeater projectiles take time to reach their target. So you have to aim the Repeater, but not the Assault Rifle. That's fair. /sarcasm. And I know that most are going to think, "Well you don't have to reload the Repeater, so you can kill AR users while they reload!!" So what you are saying, is that they need to miss enough bullets in their magazine, so that they have to reload? So you can only win against a scrub. Assault Rifle wins. Needle Rifle vs. DMR- This is debatable. The DMR takes one less shot to kill, and zooms in farther, so the more skilled players will almost always win against a Needle Rifle user. IMO, DMR wins. Plasma Pistol vs. Magnum- The Plasma Pistol is only good when paired up with another non-power weapon. But we are comparing 1v1, so obviously the Magnum wins. Sword vs. Shotgun- The Sword is plagued by Sword block, and the time during a lunge/ melee gives shotgun users time to shoot. The Shotgun has more range, and is faster, and if you do screw up with the shotgun you can just sword block, and get another chance. Shotgun Wins. Sniper vs. Focus Rifle- The Focus rifle is required to aim, and directly hit the enemy for 2/3 consecutive seconds, giving the user plenty of time to AL, Sprint to cover, make a callout, etc. The Sniper Rifle will kill them immediately, and they won't know what happened until they are dead. The Sniper also has farther zoom than the Focus Rifle. Sniper Wins. Plasma Launcher vs. Rocket Launcher- The Rocket Launcher is obviously better at killing infantry, and I also have an easier time destroying air vehicles with it. The Plasma Launcher, is no doubt better at destroying ground vehicles at range. The Rocket can also be fired as soon as you need it. Rocket Wins. FRG vs. Rocket Launcher- Again, debatlable. The Rocket can lock-on to air vehicles, and also has a larger instant-kill radius. Rocket wins, IMO Concussion Rifle vs. Grenade Launcher- The grenade launcher is great for a skilled player, but is usually more of a support role in taking out player's shields. The concussion rifle is more consistent if you are looking for kills. The grenade launcher can EMP vehicles, but the concussion rifle can knock around and flip light ground vehicles. Concussion Rifle wins, IMO. VEHICLES Falcon vs. Banshee- The Falcon is absolutely stronger than the Banshee in a head on fight, and the Falcon can also be used as an armed transport. The Falcon also has much more health. The Banshee is better at killing single opponents, but when there is multiple enemies,(Covering the Core Carrier on Spire) the Falcon is much better. Falcon Wins. Revenant vs. Warthog- The Warthog is definitely better at killing infantry, and can usually destroy the Revenant with relative ease, as long as you have a good driver. The Revenant can flip the Hog, but again, a good driver won't let that happen. Ghost vs. Mongoose- Even if the Mongoose has a power weapon holder on the back, the Ghost will usually win head-on, and is better against infantry. Scorpion vs. Wraith- The Wraith is difficult to aim at a distance, and the shots take a while to get to the desired location. Also, the shots are weaker than a Scorpion blast. (Haven't tested this out, just an observation). Scorpion wins either way, though. OVERALL FAIRNESS Equipment placement- On Boneyard, the Human vehicles are protected by a shield, so the Humans can get them whenever they want. The Elite vehicles aren't protected, and can easily be stolen by a quick Warthog run. The Human power weapons are also right above the core, which is where all the Spartans camp with Shotguns and AL(Remember, Shotgun beats Sword, and AL beats everything) so they have very convenient weapon placement for them. On Spire, the Humans have their vehicles at the very far side of the map, and the Elites don't have a ghost or anything to make a quick run and steal them. So the Elites have to make a very long run if they want to sue the human vehicles, which are much stronger. The Banshee is in a very easy spot for Spartans to steal, most Spartans just camp in the tunnel nearby as soon as the 3rd phase begins. 70% of the time, the Spartans get the Banshee, and they capture the Core because the Banshee just continues to spawn kill the Elites, because they don't have any insufficient weapons to take down the Banshee. If the Elites end up with Banshee, then the enemy Sniper just fires 4 quick bullets into it, and it is down and ready to be stolen again. And also, the Core is to easy to steal and drop down as soon as the 3rd phase starts. Usually the Spartans just fly up the lift, throw grenades and AL as soon as they get to the top, which clears out all of the Elites. They then get the Core and drop it and the Banshee can proceed to spawn kill the Elites. The fact that it takes the Elites the same amount of time to get up on the Spire, as it does the Spartans, is just stupid. TL:DR The Elites are at a severe disadvantage compared to the Spartans. And BTW, why did Bungie change the Green vs. Purple that was in the Beta? People only praised that. Why do we even need team colors in Invasion, if you can't tell the difference between a Spartan and Elite, then you have more problems than this game. Well that is it for my little rant. Tell me anything you think needs to be edited, and I might change it.
You have Sword block, and a pistol. That is plenty enough to kill him.
That is like saying, that an automatic sniper rifle with an Aimbot got you a lot of kills a few times, so it should stay.
And good list, but what about Sword Block? That definitely needs to go. I know it is needed to stop Sprint + Sword, but if that is the case, then just make it so that it takes much longer to draw out the Sword after Sprint. And while I'm at it, 343 needs to balance Invasion. The Spartans get Shotty + Magnum + AL. The only range they CAN'T be effective, is Long range. And if you do fire a Banshee Bomb, Stick them, etc., then they can just AL. The Elites get Sword + Repeater + Hologram. Sword is blockable by ALL weapons, PR just flat out sucks, and Hologram only works on full blown retards.
I like my idea too
How did anything in my post express that I was mad?
Would you have liked Bungie to implement this?
CommonDiscipIe replied to CommonDiscipIe's topic in Halo Reach
And I don't think this would take a huge update. The reason new armor takes a huge update, is because the new armor would have to be implemented with every map. -
On paper, yes that is correct. But in-game, the Shotty beats all of them. The hammer takes to long to swing vs. a shotty, so by hte time you are actually get off the Hammer Blast, you are dead by Shotgun. And unless the Hammer wielder is a complete idiot, then it will beat the sword as well. Combine both of those, with the fact that the Sword can be blocked by all players, at anytime, makes it almost useless.
I go up to enemies in BTB with an empty Hog, honk twice, and they get in the gunner seat. I then drive him around my team and let them get lots o' kills. For the lulz of course.
Easy fix, make the sword take a long time to draw after Sprinting. You have never seen me play, I play stealth with the sword, and charge. And BTW, I don't ever recall disrespecting you, so there is no need for you to disrespect me. You make yourself look like a ******. What is your GT? I would like to see if you are really good enough to call others a noob.
In the Armory, there was always one thing that I wanted. -The option to change what Weapon your Spartan or Elite is holding. I am really surprised that people don't talk about this much. I know that most people would want the Sniper, but here is a simple fix; Make the Sniper VERY expensive. I would love for my Elite to hold an Energy Sword, and my Spartan to hold a Spartan Laser. Keep in mind that Spartans can only hold Spartan weapons, same goes for Elites. Would you like this? And what weapon would you have your Species' hold?
You mean the same way people dominate when they have Grav Hammer, or shotgun?
I guess I should just do this more often. But the only problem, is that in Invasion, odds are they have some sort of weapon that can kill me quickly. Rockets, Sniper, Shotty, etc.
I'm sorry that my terminology isn't what you prefer.
And like the poster above me said, why would I run away from a CQB battle with the Sword? 1. I play mostly Invasion, so there is no worry about losing the sword to Spartans, when they have the Shotty which is better anyway. 2. If you are playing against anyone good, they crouch almost everywhere they go. Example: Boneyard, Core Room. Most people crouch around the Spartan Armory. 3. I don't get EMP'd against the AL users, you would have to be horrible at the game to be dumb enough to get that close to them. 4. And what if there are no flank routes? They are heading straight to the door that I'm at, I get to the side of the door and wait for them. They turn the corner and I lunge. Sword Blocked. I'm about to begin my next lunge/melee, and I get shot with one of the above weapons I listed.
Invasion Spire suggestion for 1st Objective.
CommonDiscipIe replied to Archangel Tyrael's topic in Halo Reach
I agree. It is pretty annoying trying to go from cover to cover with no effective ways of shooting back. -
Who said I was charging? What if we turned the corner and were face to face? I definitely know how to play this game. I am not complaining for the kids that put their head down and charging into a crowd of people with a sword.
If they have Rocket, Shotgun, Sniper, or Plasma Grenades then you will die before you can go again. If they have Armor Lock, Jetpack, or Evade, then they can run away or wait for a teammate to come help.
But the thing is, is that he deserved his kill. You got trapped in his weapons insta-kill range, which is a whopping 6ft. How many times have you survived when you are trapped in a corner with a Grav Hammer wielder? You SHOULDN'T stand a chance against someone with a sword in CQB.
It is a CQB weapon. I play mostly Invasion. The Core is in CQB areas on Spire and Boneyard. So, I use the sword a lot. Plus, I love Elites, and the energy sword is their signature weapon, and I love it.
Learn to use it the right way? What are you talking about? No matter how you use the sword, it is block-able. And I love the game, just not Sword Block. I am giving constructive criticism on the forums. Isn't that what they are for?