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Everything posted by Jhorse02

  1. Just make forge maps have it's own playlist please
  2. I hope master chief gets with cortana and has babies together before she dies lol wow
  3. . I agree I was just naming a few but this might be cool for btb ctf or something
  4. I want dedicated servers for ranked matches like gears and a halo 2 rank system. Camo to be a pickup and no jetpack
  5. Just go with halo 2s system. 3 was too easy reachs arena was team slayer but u got ranked individually. Wow that must be why no one worked together in arena! It would be great for lonewolves
  6. Ok so I read that there will be more abilities than the e3 build has shown. Pv, hardlight shield, hologram and thrust pack were all shown. But according to a article I read, active camo, jetpack, a regeneration field, and a turret deploy of some sort will also make an appearance. I hope these last 4 will be in big team battle only because having these in infinity slayer or any other smaller game modes will turn this into halo reach 2. I personally wish jetpack would stay out and I wish camo was a map pickup but if they must stay please be btb only. Why not use active camo on the ordinance drops? Even that would be better. Say on your first drop you could use speed boost, second one camo and if u get 3 then u could get overshield without the invincibility. I don't like the idea of doing more damage or faster shield regen either. I'm not bashing h4 I'm super excited and used my vacation the week of nov 6 just for this. Please tell me ur thoughts on this?
  7. And team slayer is pre title update which I hope they change soon
  8. I think you and your friends never played previous halo games if you believe that. Bleed through damage, and less bloom makes the game much closer to previous titles. Overpowered armor lock and other abilities in general make the game less halo like not the awesome title update
  9. Wow mine is 100% that's only competitive though
  10. Do u agree? Atleast have a Tu team slayer!
  11. Hopefully CEA will have dlc also like terminal, burial mounds, relic, Gemini, waterworks and turf
  12. That's what forums are for goon what else? Improving the game. If u like how reach is now then play the reach playlist, I would like too see more of a classic feel since it is combat evolved Ann. So if u like reach play reach. And I'm pretty sure this is the Ann. Part of the forum so go to the reach section and cry to the ten people still playing. But u should hurry because the population drops everyday.
  13. Twinreaper says to get on with our lives lol. He is the one who studies the game engine lol
  14. Here we go again twin. If all bloom is is a visual aid go shoot a wall as fast as u can with bloom then take the dmr with no bloom and shoot as fast as u can and u will see it for yourself and then you and your programming skills are ****** because u are wrong!
  15. And to twin reaper telling dude not to insult people because they don't know how weapon mechanics work lol you called me a ******* idiot on another thread *******. You probably suck at this game because you sit on this forum all day and look up stats about bloom and all that. Get off peoples ass and let them have their opinion.
  16. I'm really tired of people saying there was bloom on the br and all other halo games. Did you ever see bloom threads on halo 2 and 3 forums? The only weapons that have them on older halos were full auto weapons not burst fire weapons or sniper or even the pistol
  17. Reaper I know exactly how the br works. What I'm saying is when the cooldown time between shots goes away and your ready to fire your gun again, there was no bloom effect to cause you to wait even longer than that cooldown time in order to have a accurate shot. Therefore there was no bloom effect on the br. When the cooldown time went away reaper and u could fire again u could count on your bullets going straight without waiting even longer to pull the trigger.
  18. I like the title update so far. People are not understanding me. I just think a few things need tweaked with it. But if they were to stay with the current settings I still like it more than with the bloom. It's my opinion and I think a beta hopper trying this out would be cool.
  19. Ok twin one question. Did u ever time ur shots with the br? The way the br worked was when u went to fire again the bloom was already reset. The bullet spread is the only thing u had to worry about. It wasn't a self paced weapon. That's what I'm talking about. This random firing spamming **** is stupid and no I'm not bad with the bloom I just hate it.
  20. What do u not agree with? Were u not good at headshots in the old halos and like bloom so u can cod style everything or what?
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