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Everything posted by Jhorse02

  1. Simple answer. Halo ce halo 2 halo 3 were all better than reach! Why? Bloom! And no don't tell me they had bloom because they didn't. Did u ever have to take extra time before u fired ur br again? No. Y? Because there was no bloom. The gun had natural bullet spread but not to where u had to time ur shots. The only gun u should kinda burst fire is the ar not the br or dmr that's just boring. I play reach everyday and like the game but people need to realize this bloom **** along with armorlock and no accurate halo 2 style not halo 3 1 to 50 ranking system is why reach always has less than 100000 people on and it's sad when more people play living dead than slayer. I remember 300000 to 1000000 people on halo and I miss those days
  2. I really like the direction you are heading with no bloom, however it does need tweaked a bit. The pistol and dmr shoot way to fast and make it more spamming then skill. One thing I believe would fix this is making the dmr timed to where u can only pull so fast like the br was. Make the dmr a 4 hs kill and make the timing to where 4 headshots timed would take the exact same time as 5 headshots with the current setting. And the speed the magnum shoots seems quick also but the dmr is my main worry. I really like the bleed through damage and I can't wait to pull off killtacks like the halo 2 days. Bloom was a good idea I guess but with the natural lag in online games it was more of a mess than anything. Bloom also took those amazing moments we used to get in halo games and turned it into a spam and pray instead of a skillful player taking out 2 to 3 people with precision headshots while having low shields. I loved practicing all day on my headshooting and bloom took that away. Thanks 4 ur time.
  3. U should give bonus credits for people who use their mic because no one does anymore
  4. Lag. When your shield is down and your going for that double kill but for some reason that 5th headshot with dmr isn't killing them. I brake stuff!
  5. I don't want a remake because it would be impossible to remake it as good as halo 2 was because that game was perfect. Just build servers for the original halo 2. Every single map on that game was memorable. And with reach, what was the name of that one forge map again. There is 20 of them and all terrible
  6. They are making a playlist for reach not changing the whole game. So if you like noobing it up then you can continue to play the normal playlist. This is my wishlist for the ce playlist and halo 4
  7. One more post. I believe game makers screw up alot. They try to put way too much into a game thinking they are improving it. They add unnecessary things alot of times. You know why halo 2 is better than 3 and reach? Because it was simple. Great gameplay and it took skill. Same with cod. Cod 4 was better than mw2 and black ops. Why? I think u know the answer. Just don't overthink yourself 343 go back to what makes halo popular. It's not the armor abilities. Think to yourself what made halo 2 and ce the most popular games out of the series. They were built for competitive gamers and that's what started mlg. And the direction halo has been going, other games will take over and I hate that because halo is my favorite series ever man.
  8. And bring back bxr is was a skill u had to practice and make cqc more interesting
  9. and put overshield and camo on map u shouldn't be able to pick it
  10. Take out all abilities in team slayer, doubles, anything arena or future ranked, keep them for big team battle because sprint is nice on big maps. And to people who love armor lock, you only like it because when you get out dueled you can use it and wait for a teammate to come bail you out. It's stupid. bloom is dumb make the weapons timed. Dmr 4 shots to head needle rifle 6 or so. And make halo4 multiplayer like halo 2. Halo 3 br sucked compared to 2 so bring back halo 2 br and movement/ physics. That's all
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