I know 343 wants to make the game more fast paced and everything and thats fine but instant respawn just makes really small maps a total cluster ****, ive killed a guy and as i wait for my shields to recharge he just comes right back around and spams grenades at me, i think this is why i hate the map haven the most cause i cannot stand that map for the life of me.
I no longer feel as if i can control a situation and i have to rely on my gaming instinct more than anything else, wheres in halo 3 i could always look at a situation and think how im going to go about taking it on and while i still maintain a good KDR its just freaking annoying, cod has always been the game of which i think is a total cluster **** but now oh dear.
anyway im sorry for any spelling mistakes made during this thread of mine and what are your thoughts on instant respawn?