bloom - normally i dont mind bloom and at first i thought it was a great addition to the game to help futher the skill level for the game, but now i find myself hating it with a sickness beacuse the god damned players who rapid fire and seem to hit every shot now ive tried everything moving back and forth, jumping, ducking but no they always seem to find that head shot while i carefully place my shots, at most i get their shield down and boom im dead, now this isnt at close range ether its quite far and somehow they manage it.
now with halo 4 around the corner and seeing that bloom is indeed back im hoping that maybe there will be bigger penaltys for those rapid fire players.
grenades - now i dont mind the power on these things but the radius i find is the most hateful part i just can never seem to get out of their way, since the average halo player spams grenades its even harder trying to dodge them.
again i hope theyre radius is at least nerfed a little bit.