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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. I'll be a sponsor, also, if it's on flash, I can possibly help.
  2. Repopulate Halo 3 is happening again... http://343i.org/ge

  3. The Official Facebook Page for Repopulate Halo 3 has announced that they are going to have a second Repopulate Day which will be on Sept. 1st. "The official Operation "Populate Halo 3 Again" is happening September 1st. That's 9/1/12. We might create a second Facebook page for this event to avoid confusion, but please ignore any unofficial videos that you may see floating around that indicate a different date. I will be updating the YouTube channel in the next week or so with a video update on the new event, but for now we have to spread via word of mouth and Facebook. Help us spread the word." https://www.facebook.com/populatehalo
  4. That is not called a Killing Spree, a Killing Spree is when you get 5 kills without dying, im talking about getting 5 kills without dying on 1 individual person.
  5. Really? you haven't? you're the very person i know that hasnt haha.
  6. So yea, this right here is my 500th post, making myself a dedicated member. I was wondering if just should be a regular common post or a nice quality one. So I thought and though and I decided to do this. A history lesson of my membership. So yea, YOLO. Usually, I don't interact with other people through the computer that I don't know in person, and not making me stick around as much because of that. This site was different though. I joined August of 2011, didn't start doing anything until December? yes. During that time (with the horrific username of "I Will Cum for 343") I observed the shout box and looked at posts. Everyone seemed very friendly, so I decided to use the shout box and post myself (YOLO). Eventually I started to meet people and make friends. So yea, here you have a very brief and vague story of how I became about in this forum. I stopped it here because it's Sunday and I am lazy, apologies. Now one last thing, I will like to compliment Twam in creating and maintaining such a wonderful forum I enjoy very much. Also the rest of the members too for being awesome haha. P.S. thumbs up for double YOLO [or will you rather have a brohoof (\ ]?
  7. I will cry the day they shut it down. It is my all time favorite game, I have so many memories. It has to happen sooner or later.
  8. Just like Big Hungry said, Trolls, I don't really see this working, 2v2 is the minimum it'll go for me.
  9. how you think they're stupid and childish?
  10. I like them, their design look simplified and not all fancy like Reach's, I will consider it an improvement.
  11. I don't really think you can add anything to theater mode, I seems perfect the way it already is.
  12. I actually would like to have to find the skull before being able to use them. Easter Eggs are always fun, Halo will be nothing without them
  13. Granted, but you become extremely obsessed in playing video games. I wish it'll stop being so hot.
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