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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. 5332...and had my xbox for almost four years now....haha, reason for it being so low is because the only games I really play is Halo and the few others I have. And when I borrow games, I don't really bother to get any achievements.
  2. Sticky, reason? Same exact one haha. It sucks when you miss though, because when you try to stick them but don't, the grenade just flies off way passed them dealing no damage and coming out useless. Still fun though.
  3. Second one (Halo 4 "Sample Music") is so far my favorite. This one is second, can't wait to hear more though.
  4. Campaign was good, I liked it. Multiplayer was alright, still enjoyable. SO I'll say yes. It's nothing compared to Halo 3 though haha
  5. Aww man, hmmm, when before high-school, it was my dream to play in the NFL, I absolutely LOVE football. Before I went to high-school I had my mind set in being a NFL player (Tight-end). Then decision time came along. It was either go to a really good high-school but not play football since it didn't offer sports or go a normal high-school with sports. I finally decided to go where I am now, sadly not playing any football. At first I regretted my decision but then I think it was one of the best I have done in my life. Now I probably would like to be a Director, Writer, Producer pretty much anything doing with movies, Tv and all that stuff. I also want to start like a media company with some friends with similar dreams (and I got some) of becoming big.
  6. If they don't take them out, they'll eventually find their way into matchmaking some how.
  7. I knew what you meant, just saying it should be used for a tournament on here. I certainly will haha
  8. This idea should be used for a tournament for our forum community one day, i love it.
  9. Yes, I actually do. and here it is.
  10. Change is good, no reason to freak out about it either.
  11. "Promethean tech". That's the key word and you are using it yourself. What are they? Tech. What about it? It's Promethean. Promethean Tech, still promethean.
  12. BUMP! - because I'm bored and for the heck of it.
  13. OMG, back in middle school, in the library they will sell merchandise of different types for a whole week, it was pretty cool. But what got me mad, is that no one has stolen anything at all and yet, we couldn't bring out backpacks or sweaters inside. It's like they expect the worst from us.
  14. Ill be a villager that is the son of the king but i dont know then i know so i go and confront the king then the king exiles me but doesnt kill me cause I am his son and then i'll join the side of the rebels and lead them agaisnt the kingdom of the king just for the pure reason of him rejecting me as his son.
  15. Let us talk about how the world looks down on us and hate our generation for no apparent reason except for the reason of us being moody when its only because we are going through puberty..... good enough topic? lol
  16. Well, it actually does show someone using it in Multiplayer. It just wasn't in the campaign demo. Also they haven't really balanced the game yet, so it depends if they do or not. If they don't it'll most likely be in BTB but they probably have plans in having it in other game types too because when they show it in use in Multiplayer it wasnt BTB.
  17. There is alien life. Even if it's just bacteria, or full on aliens, they are out there. Are we ever going to find them? or they find us? Probably not.
  18. I am pretty sure a lot of you have already gotten this idea before but wouldn't it be cool if you were playing infection and if you were a zombie, your spartan will appear as if he/she got infected by the flood? Why is it that Bungie didn't do it and 343i aren't either? I think it'll be a good idea, it'll be better to have infected Spartans instead of grey colored Spartans. Also, I'm not sure if this was discussed before, but what was the reason for why 343i decided to not let the flood make an appearance in Halo 4?
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