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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. The FUN Song - Spongebob Starships were meant to fly Hands up, and touch the sky Let's do this one last time Hands up.. (LOL)
  2. So by clicking this thread, I'm guessing you wanna be a millionaire...well I am going to give u a simple step by step process on how to be a millionaire..... LET US COMMENCE!!!! STEP 1: This step is quite simple. All you have to do is go to a store and buy the following products...a flashlight, a rubber band, a pencil, a knife, a pot and seeds for a plant of your choice. If you already have all this, well look at you but quite simple eh? STEP 2: Plant your seeds and wait for the plant to grow big enough only to the point where you could put it in a pot and carry it around no problem. So after it is all grown, you put it in the pot that you bought. STEP 3: Go to the beach. Make sure to bring you pencil, flashlight, rubber band, knife and plant in the pot. So after you get to the beach, you go under water. Don't worry, you are not going to drown, that's what the plant is for. Hold up the plant to your face when you are underwater, and you'll use the oxygen the plant is emitting to breathe underwater. STEP 4: Okay, so now you are underwater. Congratulations!! You are still not a millionaire. you must continue swimming underwater in the ocean. And what you are supposed to do here is look for a shark. STEP 5: After you have found your shark, you must bind you pencil to your flash light with the rubber band. NOTE: Make sure the pencil is pointing the opposite direction from where the flashlight gives out light. STEP 6: After you have done this. Turn on your flashlight and point the pencil to the shark and throw the pencil and flash light at it, and with the help of the light from the flash light, the light will give the necessary boost to your throw to make your pencil spear go at the speed of light. STEP 7: After you have killed the shark, go up to it and pull out your knife and cut off its fin. STEP 8: Next step is rub the fin on your head and eventually in 5 months, you will grow a mini fin hidden inside you hair, (remember to let your hair grow for this 5 month period. It is crucial for the next step). Step 9: Go to a barber and ask him to cut your hair. When he does he is going to cut your mini fin. STEP 10: Sue the barber and collect your winnings. STEP 11: Repeat the above steps as many times you want. CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU ARE NOW A MILLIONAIRE!!! ENJOY YOUR MONEY!!!
  3. Haha, one day my friend, you will prove all of us wrong and make this possible.
  4. Paris Hilton. Beiber's voice is too high pitched and annoying. WYR Do math or science HW?
  5. I'll like to see it come back. They haven't said anything about it so there's a 50/50 chance. But if they isn't it won't bother me. Clans were still formed and competed against one another in Halo 3 and Reach. We would probably just do that again.
  6. That's the first pokemon I ever try to catch. I love pidgey
  7. I'm very very impressed and satisfied on how Halo 4 is coming out. Those new weapons are amazing!
  8. Just got back from the Fox Theater, I think my film looks good on the big screen ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      group project for school. We had to make a short film (adaptation of Frankenstein) and it gets shown at a movie theater.

    3. ZB-85
    4. Fire


      That's cool.

  9. This is good enough for me. I like this combination, i wished that they were connected though.
  10. If it had multiplayer, just for the story and firefight doesn't worth what i paid for. Maybe 40 dollars and I will buy it if it doesn't have multiplayer.
  11. I'm gonna try this out: 10. 343iBot 9. -the other people that i wanted to put on the list but didn't fit- 8. Twilight Sparkle 7. TheDarkestHour 6. Mr. Dino 5. Dragon Monday 4. Bullet Storn 3. Azaxx 2. Fire 1. Halo Brony (LOL)
  12. I love the carbine. Idk y but i didnt really like the needle rifle. I prefer the carbine way more.
  13. ^ woah woah woah, triple posting. But I like that they are going to be new spartans, and hopefully, some of them will become characters that we see a lot of, so when the Chief is the last spartan again, we can have some amazing and emotional cutscenes of the spartans dying off. haha.

    1. Azaxx


      No its not, bronies are here :D

  15. ^ Their final hour rapidly approaches the shrine will soon be ignited and they will be reminded of their errors.
  16. If i were you i would wait for the next generation of xbox, which will come out like 2 years after halo 4? And I also have the original xbox, haha, haven't gotten the red ring once
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