What genre of game are you most likely to buy? List from highest to lowest.
Shooter, Strategy, RPG, Simulation, Action, Action-Adventure, Adventure
Does the violence in a game affect your decision to buy a game?
Not really
After playing a video game, would it be easier for you to commit a violent act?
After playing a video game, do you feel it would be easier for you to become more aggressive?
Does the violence in a game affect your decision to play a game? (Do you prefer to play violent games to non-violent games)
Not really
The violence that is prevalent in our society is due to violent video games?
It might be partially, but not completely, what about all the violence that was present before video games were made?
When you are angry or stressed what genre of video game are you most likely to play?
I don't usually play when I'm angry, but Strategy for some reason.
'Minors (below the age of 18) should not be allowed to play violent video games' Do you agree?
I played my first rated M game at 10 (Halo 2) and owned at 12 (Halo 3), to me it kinda depends, cause my parents would have never let me have played Gears of War at 12, but I say around the age of 14.
Do you think you are born with violence?
Do you think that you develop violence during your lifetime?
Both, I believe we have a natural sense of violence and that's the need to survive, people will do anything to survive, but also your environmental will affect you a lot in different possible ways. It's Nature and Nurture.
In your opinion;
Do you feel that playing violent video games develops permanent violent behaviour over time?
Do you feel it brings out violence that is being suppressed temporarily?
Temporary, If it was permanent, we'll all be screwed.
'Violence is part of our life. Not only does it appear in video games but it appears everywhere in our society.'
Do you agree with the above statement?
Do you agree that if we were to remove violent video games from our society, that it would make people less aggressive and make life more peaceful?
Maybe a bit, but not exactly a noticeable change.
Section 2. Please tell me about yourself.
What is your Age: 15
What is your Gender: Male
What is your Occupation: Student
What is your Education Level: Attending High school