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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. Granted, but u'll never be tired again, not allowing yourself to sleep. I wish my foot wasn't sprained.
  2. I have the same exact thoughts.
  3. I am a Catholic, i go to church but im not a hardcore catholic
  4. Is there currently any plans for a clan tournament within the forum this summer or so?
  5. Sprained my ankle today playing badminton during PE. :'( i gotta be on crutches for a week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      i like it...but I dont mind

    3. Quantum


      Why does everyone use crutches for sprained ankles? I have sprained my ankle atleast 6 times in soccer, and I have never used crutches in my life.

    4. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      doctor's orders...Ive sprained mine twice and didnt use crutches. But this time was really bad so i went to the doctor

  6. Yeah, his name was Peter Jackson, he also made King Kong and the Lovely Bones and much others. He was going to make the Halo movie, the thing is that at the last minute he backed out. The thing is for the Halo movie, all the staff needed to move to a specific location, and they already did, so he felt bad for backing out. So what he did was that, he was like, here's a script to replace the Halo movie. That script was District 9. You know how most of halo takes place in Africa? (New Mombasa is an actual city. It's called Mombasa and is located in Kenya I believe). That's why District 9 takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa. But pretty much District 9 was made from the scraps of the Halo movie Also if they make a halo movie they weren't going to make it about chief. Cause you know when they make books to movies people complain all the time about it not following the same story? well that will happen with the master chief too, so they're are most likely going to make it about an ODST or Marine. EDIT: Peter Jackson is still set to produce the Halo movie but he hasn't decided when, most likely when the franchise ends.
  7. Clans is a group of people, usually your friends, that play a certain game together and play against other clans. Kind of a online gang haha.
  8. Bai Bai gaiz, I'm going to go brush Rainbow Dash's MANE.
  9. Halo 4 was already announced for the Xbox 360. Halo 5 is probably going to be on the next gen. of xbox since Halo 4 is going to take up all the xbox 360 can stand.
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