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SGT Warchild

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Status Replies posted by SGT Warchild

  1. *enters airduct and goes to the vent above your room* *pulls out pistol and watches you*

  2. *enters airduct and goes to the vent above your room* *pulls out pistol and watches you*

  3. I've been a walking heartache I've made a mess of me The person that I've been lately Ain't who I wanna be

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      hmm, *ignores donut* well I've been having a headache since i tried fuzing a warthog and mongoose by making them glitch into eachother

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. *enters airduct and goes to the vent above your room* *pulls out pistol and watches you*

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      *pulls out EMP, wireless detonated, sure to ruin anyone's XBOXlive for a month or so*

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. *enters airduct and goes to the vent above your room* *pulls out pistol and watches you*

  6. What is your favorite Halo? Explain why?

  7. Credit banned!

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      I had an offline one, my main profile is offline and I'm never online some how it was stuck but I've learned it was a glitch but basicly a perma ban

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. omfg my controller battery jy cust pulled a vanishing trick, was sitting in my chair playing some halo, all of a sudden it just fell out, and dissapreared

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      found it in my pocket, how the hell

  9. I have a thing with kicking things on accident... I just kicked my weights and daamn did that hurt...

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      Drop a weight on a boot you thought was steal toed, then you'll know my pain


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sticking up for my friends at school, leads to a fight with the bullies, then suspension, now grounded from the Xbox. What a day. . . -_-

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      Ha ha ha, I love fights, cept the ones when you get slapped out of the way so a girl can claw the **** out of another one :P lmao that day sucked

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Twam...do you like....cookies???

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      And twam has spoken! we should leave the cookies for Twam next Christmas and santa ain't gettin' none ****** shotgun*

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Me+you=Not good friends..Me+desert eagle=Lovers

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      Me+you=good friends if you give me your Abrams Tank full of tank shells and ammo for m14s and give that M14 also. And yes, after you give these I will let you play with one M14/thingthatsgoingtoscaretheneighborstodeath(the tank) at a time

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      wait wha? aw well I'm sure they'll make another by someone else, and hopefuly it'll have more stuff, like End World did

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Caboose: Timeline....? Ahh. Time isn't made out of lines, it's made out circles, THAT IS WHY CLOCKS ARE ROUND

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      but aren't circles made out of bent lines? (ming=blown)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Just baught a new TV. and ironicly it was 343$!! :) :) :)

  16. Goodnight everyone, have a Merry Christmas

  17. Looking forward to HaloCEA. Can't wait to clear lvls from Covenant the old classic way :D

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      Its epic playing through it, and seeing the remade weopons gives hope that they'll be like them in H4

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Take advice from me, money is a present, anything else is not a present unless its refundable, ppl usualy get the wrong gift for a friend, get the money, buy it yourself, best decision ever.

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      oh so powerful twam

      I forgot the true meaning of christmas, I got assassins creed revelations and bullet storm nothing halo though.. kinda wanted that

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Ugh, last night I trippd on a carpet and hit a table, knocked me out, god I feel like ****

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      I have bad luck with tables lol, when I was 5 I busted my head by just wamming against one, now I trip and get knocked out, I have great luck but tables like to **** with me for some reason lmao

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  21. Armor colors..should we have armor detail and such,like halo 3?

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      I like reach's choices but I would like that only in firefight and multiplayer

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Really YouTube... I haven't even had time to get used to your last re-design.

    1. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      Vids, nothing else matters :thumbsup:

  23. I don't have any friends on 343i.org :( aaah wel idc anyway :)

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