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Archangel Tyrael

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Everything posted by Archangel Tyrael

  1. Thank you for taking action to these things, much appreciation, and i hope no one gets banned (we have been warned).
  2. That sucks Director, hope to see you soon, hope it wasn't like mine off for 6months lol.
  3. I can understand if i am being so good in a game someone t-bags me, i go hahahaha! If they T-bag just to piss me off, it makes me furious and turns me into pure hatred until i kill him and revenge bag him lol. I can mind friendly t-bags like ha i win, but just to do it and crap to get under my skin..that is different... Friendly bag (1-2 times up and down or with a melee, unfriendly is where you do it for a long period of time being an ass.)
  4. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
  5. Video games doesn't cause terrorists, if it causes terrorists, than why i am typing here to you, and not bombing the pentagon? Anyways, i hate the goverment for all it is worth, but i am not going to bomb them, maybe that's what it takes, but i am not going to do that, peaceful protests sounds much better, causing buisneses to shut down mostly, and america to fall to pieces causing the greedy corrupt people of nations tremble to our needs and bring the power back to us lol. They are nothing without us and many people don't realise this. If what i said is terrorist, so be it.
  6. You know you are a noob when, you pop in and out of armor lock when being damaged, little or just to double melee someone, or to be a well noob!
  7. Oh Yeahhhh! snap into a slim jim! Love those Randy savage commercials.

    1. Azaxx


      -doesnt know what youre talking about-

    2. ZB-85


      I love slim jims.

  8. Lol, this is why i don't use names, it hurts other members, everyone is equal to me. Good job firen, keep posting on bro. Hope to see you much more on here to know ya better, and rest of you, don't want to be a stranger!
  9. You can drop and pick up the flag like that in MLG. I agree, it makes it faster and easier, and requires teamwork to move the flag.
  10. Trumpet, but very little, have asthma but controled, want to play guitar though. Ham and cheese, or turkey and cheese sandwhich?
  11. Eagle Rather have your fingers cut off or have your toes cut off?
  12. I'm 50/50, can happen, couldn't happen. Just never know.
  13. You know you are a noob when you throw a grenade and it bounces back at you and kills you.
  14. Troopers from CollegeHumor http://www.youtube.com/show?p=BAIPRytk3m0&tracker=show0
  15. Battle rifle + plasma pistol = prod combo..and that's bad and annoying. It's kinda OP'd. Exactly what i don't want..everyone running around spamming plasmapistol then switching over to BR for headshot.. I hope it really isn't going to be like that. Pick up the plasma pistol or whatever instead..
  16. Starting over apparently...Since this topic kinda went..off didn't see a question. What is your favorite Chip company? (Doritos, lays, Pringles..) Etc
  17. Hello and welcome to 343i community forums.
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