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Archangel Tyrael

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Everything posted by Archangel Tyrael

  1. Great job Biggles, and late reply to this but yeah, grats!
  2. Nothing is wrong with BTB heavies, if you are not using a vehicle all the time, and you are getting owned just running around and get a kill it should be +1 more more.. and speed is fine.
  3. Welcome to 343i community forums.
  4. Welcome to 343i community forums.
  5. I think this guy deserves credit for his great guitar skills. Not sure if i should put this into the other games, but i shall put it here instead. Move it please if it does not belong here. I'd like you all to Vote up on Chevrolets10trucks comment about halo meets metal (warthog run) on his video Lord of the rings meets metal, and post on his videos stating to make one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDE2VQzghp4&feature=related
  6. Well, i came a bit late into halo3, before Reach came i believe..i don't remember lol, but halo3 was fun really fun, i usually just stuck with halo:CE/ODST, i loved the terminals and i am sure it was good in its prime, never really done any vidmasters, no one wuld help and etc, plus my halo3 disk has scratches and it will not play.
  7. Those have been hard for me, just play a very long mission with lots of enemies and keep reverting i suppose? I don't know, i just play threw the campaign getting others. Youtube this for more help. I can't sorry.
  8. Which one do you think is better? Why? I prefer The sniper, for just the feel plus it has +2 more shots unlike the beamrifle that overheats, and can only fire 2, unless you take your time.
  9. Yeah i just played a game nearly got a unfriggenbelievable with a guasshog.
  10. Nearly had a unfriggenbelieveable 2 kills away, shame i died :(. I will get it sooner or later.!!

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Kill on young man, kill on.

  11. Yes, or they see you get damaged and they shoot you and they get the person you were fighting gets the kill and if you had the sniper, they come up and take it, acting all butthurt.
  12. Hello and welcome to 343i community forums.
  13. Welcome to 343i communitty forums and enjoy your stay.
  14. Yes since, people deserve their own playlist, and gametpe. Not a Big fan of it but, should be in halo4.
  15. Got to see this for myself lol, and that's cool i wonder how many of each there is, i'd like to use a scorpion or gauss, or run around headshotting with the 2 point thing.
  16. Okay, if you get headshot, does it count as deaths too? Or does it just give points to the player that killed you? Sounds really fun though. How many vehicles are there, and what types? Curious about that too.
  17. So that's like having 2 kills or just one kill? Explain more to me please, and 85% bloom is good, and is there bleedthrough still?
  18. Scrolling threw my subscriptions, and saw no posts of this so i decided to post it, cant wait for this game and hope they have fixed the multiplayer camping issue that was in the last one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRoXqvCz6Zc&feature=g-u&context=G2b5c425FUAAAAAAAFAA
  19. Hello and welcome to the 343i community forums.
  20. I have not played BTB Heavies yet, i am meaning too but now now, do not feel like playing anything today but browser forums lol. How was it post a video?
  21. Hello and welcome to the community forums.
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