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Everything posted by Koukimonster240

  1. I'm with you... I been on here ranting and people probably think I'm a crybaby because I didn't take your approach... I been playing since a child myself and it erks me bad that it's so unplayable... Microsoft really needs to stop pushing unfinished games on us... I like yourself have waited for the mcc for awhile.. Mainly bscause my love for halo I bought this overpriced game console... I'm a single parent so blowing a wad of cash on things like this console or a game for this next generation is a tough thing to do and mildly selfish... So when I get a game and it's junk I'm highly offended MOST OF All I WANT SWAT!!!!
  2. More of an eye opener to them then anything.. I mean now instead of having something to do have to play bogus ass destiny or waste my time on the mcc... Been playing halo since the beginning and I was a kiddo.. The no swat thing is peeing me off more then anything. If I wanted to wait to have a playable game until January I woulda just waited till then to buy it... I mean halo 3 is identical to the 360 variant... Even has the glitch to the mirror wall.. Why isn't there at least one multi-player game set list that can work flawlessly, Idk how people are just fine throwing bunch of cash for a half ass product... Time the consumer takes a stand... I understand it takes time... That's not my problem... I paid for an incomplete game.... That's the malfunction... If it was so much headache why didn't they do one at a time and give the consumer a reliable playable game for our hard earned money... I mean I got a cheap car in this stupid system and everything for it is pure **** it's unacceptable...
  3. We should be able to do this.. You go buy something and it doesn't work you get a refund right... Well I'm very disappointed let's do this I'm over it I want a different game and I spent my money on this one that doesn't work.... So who wants to start an online petition.
  4. Agreed I won't put the disc back in until swats back
  5. Nope don't do it buy something that works... Don't join the rest of us disappointed people.. No swat play list nno proper ranking system it's stupid
  6. Wish I could demand a refund or at least some sort of credit... Only reason I own an xbox 1 or the mcc is for swat.. About to go trade in the whole rig... Been with halo forever with my dedicated set list being swat.. Give us swat no one cares about big team or your stupid gungoose we just want swat back!!! Now we are stuck picking between 2 half baked games destiny or broken mcc... Thanks for the letdown could a bought gta5 with my money but now I have to wait and keep playing destiny thanks a lot 343....
  7. Im shure 343 will do a good job when they get it lined out but goodness im going crazy. I mean ya i can play but its pointless. Get no rewards for your work lol
  8. Something big happend the servers have been down for like 10 hours
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