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Everything posted by MrPlow

  1. i have one that just needs to be tested with a bunch of people. not really sure how its going to play out.
  2. cutting the time of armor lock in half is the first good idea for armor lock ive heard.
  3. this was going to be a great idea. edit : This is a great idea! lol
  4. haha yea! run around in campaign with inclement weather on
  5. showstopper! get 2 showstopper medals in matchmaking 3000cr daily
  6. when you set your desktop background to one of your halo screenshots.
  7. is there some place i can get a free simple version of photoshop? ive seen some really cool signatures now and i want to try and make my own.
  8. id ask him if he wants any of the hot kool-aid i just made for him.
  9. definitely the wrong place to say goodbye. must be something wrong if EVERYONE gets on your nerves.
  10. yea and its entirely free too because rockstar games has been loving the commmunity. they have been doing lots of triple xp weekends and giving away prizes. ive been leveling up so fast. right now i got an albino buffalo. not to mention you can prestige and turn your guns gold forever with 100 headshots in matchmaking.
  11. a new forge would enhance the ability for screenshots too.
  12. toggle? how do you manage that? i find clicking it in and out is just an extra thing i have to do in battle if i want to stop crouching.
  13. dude NO. that map had been remade too many times. hemorrage is the best version. lets stick with that and leave it alone. PLEASE! ive been playing that map for 10 years.
  14. epic signature man. another map they could bring back is terminal.
  15. i would like the skull there just to beat it easily. but i do agree with your poll about not using it to get the achievement.
  16. because i can just camp a room with scavenger and claymores, while constantly checking the windows. thats not skill. thats me being cheap just to get kills. ive gone games where i went 30 and 5 doing just that. thats what i mean but not entirely.
  17. that brings up a good point. you get killed for taking the wrong weapon. next your going to get killed for taking the wrong armor ability because someone else wanted it first.
  18. im not sure. i hated playing against bots in counter-strike for xbox.
  19. i doubt that would make power weapons entirely obsolete. sniper would still be deadly. and you'd have to play smarter with the rocket launcher and shotgun
  20. everyones entitled to their own opinion. its just that theirs is stupid.
  21. they're odsts? thats rad! but then hopefully they wont be stealing my kills.
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