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Everything posted by MrPlow

  1. BAHAHAHA how do you deploy a bi-pod? HAHAHA you make me laugh man.
  2. no. wtf. people, long night of solace. checkpoint bravo. control room. he is there every ******* time. guaranteed. no more debate about this. just do this every time and you have your challenge.
  3. 10$ team entry? HAH no thanks. ps~ charity is almost always a scam.
  4. i have no problem with team snipers.
  5. i like the idea. its what red dead redemption uses. but as with everything people will abuse it.
  6. seriously. wtf. get rid of this please. or at least move it.
  7. rad. those achievement hunters will be happy now.
  8. haha i like your reasoning! no the world isnt going to end. if our world lining up with the plane of the milky way every 26,000 years. how come theres no record of it?
  9. i thought that scene was amazing. him saving his comrades. he might have been able to make a better choice because of his mental state though.
  10. i think he was referring to the current pistol without bloom but not the upgrade to insane powerful yet.
  11. i think you'd be jealouos to know that i know someone who looks almost identical to matt good
  12. needle rifle with spam will win everytime now.
  13. lol try jumping up and down on there body. i also like the stare down
  14. its been awesome. i think they up'd the daily challenge cred worth
  15. hey everybody, lets turn off bloom and have everyone fire the trigger like crazy. "what about skill?" "shut up, nobody cares about skill, they just want to kill people."
  16. depends on the situation. if you know you got owned and he t-bags you then haha good for him and he knows it. but if you just got lucky and t-bag me then **** you. i just prefer 360's over their dead body now. more original.
  17. easiest spot and he will be there guaranteed everytime is long night of solace, checkpoint bravo. hes in the control room everytime on heroic
  18. now all you have to do is fire as fast as you can at the head. it makes for more intense firefights but i still feel like i need less skill to use the weapon. i didnt try the needle rifle, sounds like it could be crazy. i did try out the armor lock and im ok with the fix so far but we'll see out it really plays out. and i do like the damage bleed though. now all i need is 3 shots to the body and i can beat you down. or i can take the pistol and 3 shot you from anywhere.
  19. i played it myself. it works.
  20. check out my topic about the playable zero bloom custom game
  21. if i did listen to music though while i played halo it'd have to be the fight club soundtrack.
  22. MrPlow


    that would be cool to see but i think red and blue flames are enough.
  23. i cant listen to music while im playing. cant concentrate and hear everything going on around me.
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