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Everything posted by Eireannach

  1. Eireannach

    Halo 4 Sucks

    there are parts that make me fairly unahppy, but there are other parts of Halo 4 that I think are incredible. You can voice your opinion, but it seems you are one of a minority
  2. Just a little bit ago I had a perfect playthrough of episode 5, chapter 1; no death at ALL, both generators/transmitters still up and running, and I did it solo on normal. No achievement. Was it a typo and they ment heroic? am I simply bugged? I should probably run it again and see what happens... Am I alone here? hath anyone else had this problem?
  3. Well, I feel there were a fair number of hits and a fair number of misses at the same time. To start, campaign was good, it's something I like playing, which is more than I can say for parts of Halo 3. I won't spoil parts, but there are spots that I liked more than any other Halo campaign. Spartan Ops. Yes. This is, without a doubt, my favorite feature in any halo. Ever. I'd only ask to have a seperate set of loadouts that are unique to Ops, but that's a quibble. I will keep playing this over and over again regardless. Beautiful, simply beautiful. I am also very, very fond of the mantis. She's a thing of beauty, and if I get one, the only way to get me out is to kill me and not provide a replacement. Thank you. My dislikes were almost entirely personal in nature, save one; Red team as a whole seems to start games at a disadvantage, be it in poor locations or too far away from certain vehicles/initial drops when compared to Blue. Exile's placement of the Gauss and Scorpion are perfect examples here. On another note, it seems like the spartans' armor is too small for them. I'm seeing a disproportionate amount of 'undersuit' that the plates go onto no matter what I try. I like a hard, covered left side and an open, flexible right side, and I'm finding that look to be impossible to create. My Reach spartan - GT An Eireannach - IS my idea of perfect armor. I will give fair warning in that I am about to start into what I personally did not like. If you would rather not sit through my quibbles, move to the next poster now. I'd also say that removal of this section from my post would be acceptable. Colors seems too dark in the multiplayer palette. Gold looks like orange, and the legendary visor is just a deep, unattractive orange. Colors on the palette for armor and emblem color come out to be a few shades darker on the actual image, and that's disappointing It seems so much of the UNSC's budget was allocated to building the infinity that in order to cut costs, scorpions had to be outfitted with sub-sonic main guns - This means to say that if I want to plug something - a spartan/elite, a ghost - anything - at a range greater than 30-ish in-game feet, I have to lead the shot. That's one of the new aspects I really dislike. The addition of a kill cam I feel was not an improvement. I am only deeply curious as to how I died when I am assassinated or sniped, and those are the only two modes of death in which the camera will not roll. Otherwise, I know how I died, even if i got blindsided and facerolled by some other means. Having experienced this almost every day since launch, I don't need or want it. For that, a menu option in future games to disable this feature would be a beautiful solution. Sound - What happened to my warthog? I found it in the second level on campaign and was so happy to get in one again...until i opened her up. I adored the engine sound in every previous halo. Now...I'll only interact with one when I have to. It sounds like it was replaced with a straight piped gas engine. On that note ghosts also sound like they need a new alternator. I know 343 wanted to take things in their own direction, but they got all of the rights to Halo; ask Bungie for the sound bytes to the things that carried over please. Art Design - 343i wanted to do their own thing, go their own direction i know...but goodness me did things that until now had a convention change. Grunts were once described as being closer to arthropods (bugs, spiders, crabs...crabs in this case) than anything else. The ones on requiem are reptillian, much more in line with elites. These elites also seem to be very splay-jawed. The joints seem set further on the side of their heads. These things were kind of offputting for me. Again, the parts that were consistant, I'd like to stay consistant. The armor they're in, the personalities they have...that's where I'd like creative attention and new art direction go, and that's exactly what happened, and I liked it. To close, my complaints are essentially all little things that could keep going in future games and would not impact anything about it. I gave my two cents, one good and one bad in this case, but as for gameplay, I'd put Halo 4 in second place right behind Reach. From best to worst in my book: Reach > Halo 4 > ODST > Halo 3 > Halo 2 (though this one wins map design by a landslide) > CE
  4. going to post a legitimate bug here: on Exile big team I was gunning in the gauss and encountered some lag - during which the hog flipped, and when it self-righted, it proceeded to fall through the world The BR is a four shot weapon, but all 12 rounds from the 4 bursts need to hit in order ofr that to be the case...it IS possible, just takes far more control and skill to do
  5. I adore this mode. Absolutely adore it. This is the one part of Halo 4 that 343 hit on the HEAD. My gripes here are very minor and I will still be absolutely perfectly happy even if I never see them. Those being: I'd like a second set of loadouts just for spartan ops: I like to switch around my loadouts, or at least my top/favorite two for spartan ops, and if I'm bouncing back and forth between that and war games it can get tedious. I'd like to see more weapon options in Spartan Ops: If you can get ammo for it from one of the magical infinite ammo boxes in the mode, or is another race's equivelant of it, I'd like to see it pop up as a loadout option in that spartan ops only loadout section I mentioned. That would mean adding SAW, shotgun, railgun, needler, concussion rifle and scattershot as options to start with in spartan ops. My primary logic for this is if you die, the spawns can at times be very unfortunate. I remember on one chapter dying 8 times because I died and popped up right next to three knights. It took that many respawns and immediate grenade throws to get enough lucky sticks before I was annihilated before I was able to continue and finish the episode.
  6. since my first post I've seen a few new things that might bear mentioning. Last night I had just started searching for a Big Team Slayer game. I was removed from matchmaking and told by Halo that I was not connected to LIVE...I was still partied up with my buddy and all that goodness. As for petty issues, Red Team spawns in Exile on big team need to be tweaked a little. Blue spawns ON the gauss 'hog and red has to scramble to the scorpion and banshee both. I'd say either scoot red team over, or give them a rocket hog or a guass of their own at their spawns in their base if the scorpion is to stay neutral. What happened to the 'point of no return' on assassinations? I've had at least two instances when my spartan had their combat knife buried to the handle in the neck of the other spartan when I get killed, and the other is allowed to walk away. The next time this happens, it's going in my file share for some documentation. Lastly, it may be something with a spec I haven't seen yet, but I've seen people cloaked and crouched, and not giving off the dummy pings on motion tracker that announces cloak. I use active camo pretty heavily myself and would love to know this trick; it'd triple my effectiveness instantly. Lastly for realsies: Thank you oh gods of my fathers for the removal of the kill cam for the last kill of a match. I hate the whole idea of the kill cam to begin with, and when I saw this I thought it was time to limit myself to modes that don't show it (only big team and objective stuff so far) but then it went away just as easily. devs, i am overjoyed by this.
  7. I had the opposite experience...this one feels glacially slow compared to every wraith (H2, H3, Reach) I've driven in the past...mostlybecause of how the boost feels to me. I have the same issue with the ghost, mostly because it sounds like it needs a new alternator now
  8. point and spam...just like the pistol now...I'd love the light rifle...RoF is low, but it's a BR/DMR hybrid, it'd be beautiful but hear hear on the carbine staying out...WAAAY too much RoF
  9. I see them in every **** game I play, and they are the bane of my existance...hate and rage are all i feel once I get a team putting three and four of them into a doorway at once; it's like the reach beta all over again
  10. I'd like to se seperate loadouts that include "bigger" weapons for spartan ops you'd have your 5 MP loadouts and you'd have 5 different slots for spartan ops, and included within the weapons choices there, there ought to be things like the SAW, shotgun, scattershot, needler, etc. The limits there being no great bigstuff, so no rockets, no fuel rods, splaser...blah blah But yes, I'd like to see certain additions to the loadout options; mostly the close range things, maybe the concussion rifle
  11. -boltshot - both the charge shot's effective range and the fact one can't hold the charge a-la plasma pistol -failed assassinations, be it they're higher than me on a ramp and then the animation just stops, or their team can pull off a showstopped even when my knife is hilt deep in the target's neck (this has happened at least twice) -red team's distance from some form of decent vehicle on Exile -the fact you're slowed down when being shot -if you call in personal ordinance that a teammate is holding, they can take it for ammo (lost a binary rifle this way) -the kill cam. I know how I died, I really, really don't need this or want it
  12. I adored a green shirld backround and a yellow clubs symbol, make it look like a gold shamrock on a green shield...thing of beauty...but no suits in Halo 4...*le sigh*
  13. I do, and when I do, I instantly respawn, thus locking me from my other loadouts
  14. see title - I know how I died, in every case except for being assasinated and sniped...and you don't get it for those. The new feature of watching the last kill annoys the hell out of me too...I see no point in it. I'd LOVE to see a toggle option somewhere to turn them the hell off - and/or the ability to skip the last kill cam...
  15. kill cams...I hate them. when I am shown them, nine times out of ten it was a drawn out firefight, so I know how I was killed, or I saw the sniper take the shot, etc. I find them to be completely worthless. Skipping them by hitting X also makes it impossible to change my loadout if I need to...In short I'd like to see a menu option to disable kill cams. Also, if you try to assasinate a person that is on a higher elecation than you, but not in the air - like higher than you on a ramp - you start the animation, then stop, the other character being forced forward a step. I'm usually doubled melee'd immediately afterward.
  16. there's a good chance, but I rounded a few things out that I don't want changing, like 42 career weekly challenges (hitchiker's guide ftw) and 888 career dailies...I'd like those to stay put
  17. green....very green...though Jorge-esque red has also been high on my list
  18. yes! hells yes! loved every aspect of that game /signed a thousand times
  19. game of zombie: ghosts... I did nothing except hide, very successfully as a survivor I become last man standing they descend upon me, and I manage and 11 kill killionaire before they overwhelm me felt like god for a little bit after that
  20. it's a tossup between spire and boneyard...love me some invasion, though btb is good on them too
  21. Jorge...all the others were broken in some way that made me dislike them carter: unless it comes down from command, it's not gonna happen kat: anything and everything she can get into, she will emile: cares only about killing stuff - and the first thing carter tells 6 to do is leave that lone wilf crap behind jun: cold, cold, cold Jorge is the only one of them with something resembling a heart and varied personality
  22. Mass Effect, hands down. Bioware did an unreal job fleshing out not only the characters but the universe itself. It's all there, and the potential for the telling of new stories - or retelling old ones - is incredible
  23. I don't think they'll be so central. The Halo 4 article in the latest Gameinformer made mention that armor abilities will be unlocks and not there from the start - at least that's what I remember, I may have to go back and reread
  24. I wanted to cover my left side in armor, as that is the side I present to my enemy, and the extra bit on top made me use the grenadier varient that unlocks at general. My right on the other hand usually has sniper or goold old fashioned stock mark V
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