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Everything posted by batou

  1. i think they just give u the banhammer these days for afking.
  2. yay twam twam hes our man if he cant do it no one can yay. go admin
  3. uuh thanks but no thanks buddy.
  4. i guess im not in the know. but i dont know what trolling is u got me
  5. its the ole banhammer well u can thank all the tools who abuse the credit syestem in the past 4 this one but yeah everyone is right you will have to wait it out ive never been banned but u should be back on in a day or so . dont let this happen again
  6. Good game boys & good luck next time.
  7. would that be balanced?
  8. i have that got it with swag from the bungie app i dont rock the star even so i use my o.d.s.t tag
  9. this problem has been taken care of as of now i think the credit system is better than ever now offering more points & more bang for your buck in game rotations are good to.
  10. great ideal man to be honest i enjoy playing as anybody unsc vs the coveys anyday
  11. sorry i dont play for achievements only 4 fun
  12. yeah kinna but not in the seance that your talking about we do need 2 rearrange the playlist somehow but be careful of how we do it.
  13. i like team slayer . cause it has just the right amount of online players most of the time meaning less lag with 8 players . and its the funist playlist barnone
  14. u would think this would be a no brainer wonder why is not?
  15. i think thats a bad ideal for sure i once again see nothing wrong with armor lock its balanced with the other AAs in reach. i dont use armor lock but i have no problem with it
  16. is this realy true hard 2 belive bungie would leave something out if they was thinking that it would help there game. i think alot of ppl linger aroud saying the same think over and over leaveing them tierd of all the same old b.s .so if its known to these guys that you think alot of things about there game sucks ooh well i thnik alot of thngs in reach like AAs and fall damage came from ideas from the community so its realy like bring the fresh stuff ppl and u might just get what yopu ask for so dont start wineing if you do
  17. i have yet to nail this one but ive only tryed it once & never again after that.
  18. No problem at all this site is doing a great job thanx
  19. yup its something new now there takeing it out cause of all the forum crybabys
  20. well as far as this thread goes stop doing it thats all there is to it
  21. I think were just getting started john 117 halo ce
  22. just thank all the bungie.net fourm complainers for this one they will never be happy. but its 2 get rid of all the ppl takeing advantage over the credit syestem and starting games and not playing them thank them 2
  23. this aint about AL its about bloom and haters getting what they want.
  24. bloom ooh ok ill let u guys know when i notice which could be never. there
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