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Posts posted by seylen

  1. Hello everyone,

    Today I want to talk about a topic that doesn't get enough attention: co2 levels in our homes. You may not realize it, but high co2 levels can affect your health and comfort. If you're wondering what causes high co2 levels in house, it's usually related to inadequate ventilation, fuel burning appliances such as gas stoves, and even the number of people living in the room.

    So how do you effectively manage and reduce co2 levels? One simple but effective step is to increase ventilation. Opening windows regularly and using exhaust fans can significantly reduce co2 concentrations. I have also found that reducing the use of gas stoves and fireplaces helps as these appliances produce co2. Another key is to maintain good air quality by regularly cleaning ducts and changing HVAC filters.

    By focusing on these areas, you can create a healthier and more comfortable living environment. If you would like a more in-depth consultation or have specific questions, feel free to ask!

  2. The build planner by Nukes & Dragons is a smart move. It's essential to have all those skill trees and stats laid out for us. With this information, we can make informed choices and tailor our characters to our liking. The inclusion of backgrounds influencing how NPCs perceive us is a nice touch for role-playing too. I've been investing points into the various categories you mentioned, and it's been fun to see the perks available in each skill tree. I'm particularly intrigued by the Commerce perk in the Social tree. It sounds like a great way to get ahead in the game's economy, and I'm all for maximizing profits in the vastness of space.

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