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  1. K we all have out odd betrayals and sometimes get booted, but think of this situation. You're in BTB, you get sniper, BUT you got this ********* who betrays you for it. you have the option to boot him, do you boot? of course you do. this ********* betrays you for a power weapon & you're angry. why would you not boot him? because your a ***** & don't think its a big deal. hell no. nobody likes getting purposely betrayed, but if you take out friendly fire completely, it degrades the gameplay and doesn't make it as realistic. like if you're team runs into a grenade, thrown by you, then tough luck. either you shouldn't be spamming grenades (and should get booted) or your teammate was an idiot. a grenade should do area damage, so it shouldn't know whether your team is near or the enemy. grenades/weapons have no ai of knowing which enemy its shooting, thats all user errors, and thats where they betrayal system comes into play. now mind you, i know the betrayal system isn't perfect, god knows its not perfect. so rather than removing it completely, maybe make some updates for it to where its not so sensitive. either you shouldn't be spamming grenades (and should get booted) or your teammate was an idiot.
  2. OK teamkill I can understand to take that away but at least you're still a defender and get full ammo
  3. So recently my friend has been quite addicted to the Living Dead playlist, but unfortunately times have changed. It seems there are more and more choices for Alpha Zombies, and infection gets the shaft. And on that note, where is the Safe Havens playlist? It makes it more fun for zombies to be able to race to a point where there are defenders, and it changes, rather than a bunch of 5 defenders sitting in the vent on Sword Base (yes we've all seen it). I say to take out Alpha Zombies (even though infinite sprint is fun) and bring back Safe Havens & Normal Infection. Who doesn't like to be able to evade across half a map? or rack up kills in a safe zone, but then have to change up your game when it changes. Who wants to keep playing games where people camp 24/7? vote!
  4. Katham91


    So the other day, i was in a game of BTB when i accidentally ran over my teammate with the revenant (shouldn't evade into a boosting vehicle) and i got booted. mind you this was the only game, and soon after i got a probation warning. same with my friend who was playing with me. he hadn't played in weeks, and as soon as logging in he got the same probation message. is this a problem with the server or my account or what?
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