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Everything posted by alitar

  1. Just another Notch in the Horrible Halo game that is 343i's Halo 4.
  2. yer that would be a great idea i think it would be awesome.
  3. alitar


    good point, i didn't realize that
  4. this easter egg is a little old now
  5. "No i think it's just the beginning."
  6. i to a certain extent i agree with the OP i would miss bloom if it was removed with the TU
  7. this is a very interesting idea, thanks for posting about it!
  8. alitar


    yes, i would like to see dual wielding back in halo4 i missed it in halo reach
  9. too bad the link is broken mate, but form what you've said it sounds great!
  10. im going to miss him and his smart witty sayings!
  11. i also think that 343 are going to do a great job on this remake,from what i've seen it looks like im going to get alot of nostalgia
  12. well i have now, and it has amazing detail, damn that makes me want to get it now!
  13. not with CEA but probs with the title update
  14. YES! so when i run someone over in a warthog they're body flies over me!
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