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Dean PHD

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Everything posted by Dean PHD

  1. I don't think so. I got the impression that if you only have CEA and not reach you would only be able to play on the playlists that have CEA maps. You will probably have to get the Reach maps as DLC. However they might include the standard reach maps but I am sure you will have to purchase the additional map packs that have come out since the reach release. Also As I think was said before, If you have reach and want only the new maps you can get those as DLC a little bit after the release of CEA.
  2. All the ideas sound great... but we will have to wait till at least halo 4 for all the new firefight modes. CEA is only going to include one maybe 2 new firefight maps not new gametypes or variants.
  3. Here is the thing. They are going to tweek Reach when Halo CEA drops right (I am not sure about the timing). But they are building a completely new platform for Halo 4 multiplayer. A lot of the changes that everybody wants will be fixed in 4. Then we can talk about all the new new things that we will hate that will get added in Halo 4. haha
  4. If you sit idle for an entire game it kicks you out to the main menu and does not start you into another game. However, I played a game of griffball where me and one other guy on my team were the only ones playing. We just spawn killed for the 3 min round then grabbed the bomb and scored. I got a ton of medals and credits for that game.
  5. Halo 4 should be one disk or a 2 disk option with Forge being the second disk. I know so many people who never have used forge and don't care anything about it other than to play what others have created. Make the 2 disk option a little more expensive (15 bucks maybe) and then all of what we have been talking about here is possible. Also I want a link or group objects feature and copy feature! If I am building 4 team specific bases I don't want to have to build each one individually knowing there will be slight variations in each of them. Give us the ability once objects are in place to link them together so that an entire structure can be moved instead of piece by piece. And then the ability to copy the structure and place its copy on another part of the map.
  6. You can already change settings so much in firefight like infinite health, rockets, bottomless clip, spawn only hunters for maximum points etc. To solve spawning issues all they would need to do is divide the base map into a few quadrants and make it so you to have to place a landing/spawn spot for covenant (or flood (YES PLEASE!)) drop-ships or pods to spawn enemies in those quadrants during each wave, round or whatever. OR they could have preset locations on the map where a forged item can't be placed because it blocks a spawn/drop spot. Problem solved.
  7. Watching the videos of the campaign with the new skin I thought it was the original. Then when they clicked back to the original graphics I was a bit in shock. I had forgotten how long it has been since I played the game. Its kinda like watching a sifi movie from the 80's that looked so real at the time but now looks silly. All they are changing is the graphics and that is all any true halo fan would want from Halo CEA. BTW how cool would it be if some movies were remastered with new sound and better cgi. I would like that a lot more than some of the remake trash that's being produced now.
  8. No. Save it for Halo 4. That is a good way for 343 to pull away from Bungie a bit and make the game their own. Halo CEA is a remastered version not a remake. No new additions other than graphic and the terminals are being changed. The reason is that it gives the kids who are teenagers now the opportunity to play the series from the beginning with the updated graphics and an opportunity for us who are a little older to relive that feeling of playing it again for the first time.
  9. I really thought Firefight vs flood would be in Reach since there is no flood in the campaign... but then it wasn't. I hope we finally get this option in CEA or Halo 4 at least. It would be great to have to battle waves and waves of endless flood especially in some dark cramped maps.
  10. Did it occur to anyone that Halo 4 will have its own new and completely new multiplayer void of any Bungie influence? Why would they completely rebuild the multiplayer for CEA when they are in the process of building a completely new multiplayer for Halo 4? Halo 4 comes out next year so lets all be patient until it gets here. Yes we have to live with AA and other annoyances for another year but I want 343 to get it right an not rush the product. BTW I want Firefight vs Flood on CEA
  11. I played Halo CE on the computer and never owned it on the Xbox. Once I got an xbox though halo 2 was already out so I didn't bother picking CE up. A few months ago I considered getting it from the xbox live market place for like 10 bucks but chose to buy some new maps instead. Now that CEA is coming out I will buy it for sure. I will probably play the campaign at least twice in each mode. That's something I rarely do with the halo games. I generally play once through on legendary and maybe again co-op style but never more than twice. Plus with the map update for reach probably costing 20 bucks why not go ahead and get the new campaign remastered as well.
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