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  1. no i said if their would be
  2. I say maybe pelicans and phantoms and some vehicles from reach adding the troop warthog and more seats for the falcon and the grizzly tank and the armored guys from halo wars
  3. i like grunts because they are not the smartest but they are hilarious I dislike drones because they come in a pack of 10 to attack you
  4. i have no idea what those are
  5. mad at bungie for not including pelicans

  6. There should be and update by 343 allowing more people in the falcon and adding vehicles
  7. I think that forge should have vehicles from halo 3 and reach and those vehicles should be able to fit more people in them meaning the falcon should be able to transport 6 people and they should include pelicans and phantoms maybe even a frigate or 2 that could be use to odst drop down to the surface and there should be another place like forge world that would allow every vehicle to be placed and there should be a way to mod the vehicles without using the jtag o and are u a actual person from 343
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