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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Well the first problem is that it is The Sun... Despite many studies being done saying that video games don't cause violence (some say the opposite) people still get upset over this.
  2. Take care Twin! P.S. you have 777 posts
  3. So, does anyone here play Tribes? Also what do you guys think of it? Personally I haven't been able to play due to it being a .exe file which my Mac can't run. So while I try to find some way to play (bootcamp wants me to re-format my hard drive and crossover isn't compatible) I want to hear what you guys think of it.
  4. This topic needs moar win, and cowbell. Everybody post GIFs!
  5. You beat me to it as well *flips table*
  6. I absolutely hate it when people are excessivly mean to each other, it doesn't annoy me so much as it just makes me mad. Things that annoy me - close minded people - a must not be named Skyrim meme - excessive pervertedness - shades of brown - Cris Brown - Justin Beiber* *not so much of an annoyence, he just makes me lose faith in humanity
  7. Well, it would hook up to a controller and TV through Bluetooth, as far as how you use it, it should be the same as a console except with a second screen which could hold the map or scoreboard.
  8. Congrats on 2K posts AD, now just a thousand more and you will be caught up with Spectral
  9. Well there would be the usual group of competitors who would offer an identical system (for instance Samsung) who you could choose from.
  10. It probably would be, as long as someone made a bluetooth compatible XBox controller than any of the tablets could probably use it. I think the big problem with this would be in digital distribution since the average person in the UK for instance only has a 2mbps download speed, downloading something like Skyrim on that could prove to be problematic.
  11. The quad-core graphics processor in the new iPad's A5X system-on-chip may not quite be able to match a PlayStation 3, but some games industry bigwigs believe it's only a matter of time before Apple's tablet catches up to consoles. In comments made to Reuters, Epic Games president and perennial iPad keynote guest Mike Capps had this to say: "Apple is definitely building their devices as if they care a lot about 'triple-A' games. It is quite easy to imagine a world where an iPad is more powerful than a home console, where it wirelessly talks to your TV and wirelessly talks to your controller and becomes your new console." The comments have more weight than they otherwise might, coming from a company which has historically been on the vanguard of cutting-edge video game technology with the Unreal series on PC, Gears of War trilogy on Xbox 360, and most recently Infinity Blade on iOS. The Infinity Blade series has made Epic the poster boy for iOS development, and the company would probably be more likely than any third party to know about Apple's future plans — that said, Capps has been pushing Microsoft and Sony to make their next generation consoles as powerful as possible to maintain the gap with mobile devices. Any theoretical iPad-as-console setup would presumably use the new 1080p-capable Apple TV for output, though that wouldn't solve the thorny issue of control. Frank Gibeau of Electronic Arts agrees that the iPad could replace the traditional console as a gaming hub, saying "When the iPad gets to the processing power that's equal to an Xbox 360 and it connects to a television, that's no big deal to us. We'll put the game through the iPad and have it display through the television." Finally, studio manager Kristoffer Waardahl of Crytek said "As more people come to these platforms, we have to follow our fans," explaining why the studio most known for pushing the highest of the high-end graphics in hardcore games is releasing its first iPad title this spring. Taken from "The Verge" Author Sam Byford, Posted March 13, 2012 So, this is an interesting thought, tablets which cost just as much and even less than some consoles almost have the ability to out do them in hardware and already can do what consoles are just now becoming capable of (YouTube, apps, etc). So why not Video Games? What do you guys think? Personally I would welcome the change since it will probably lead to a bigger use of digital distribution (which I'm a huge fan of), cheaper games, and most likely cross console... err tablet multi player. They mentioned in the article being able to connect to Apple TV to be able to watch the game on your TV, I figure that would use Bluetooth systems at least on the iPad given that is how Apple devises tend to communicate with each other, this would allow for pretty great compatibility with things like controllers, and would eliminate all those pesky wires. Before you say, "No! I will never game on a touch screen!", relax it would undoubtedly come with a compatible controller. I really want to hear what you guys have to say because I thought that this was really interesting.
  12. Wait... so did you mean to post that?
  13. Huh, because for me it says "Oops! Your image was not linked properly, please visit your account for a correct link.
  14. No, I normally link my photos correctly
  15. It's most certainly a buy in my mind, I've been playing it since it came out and love it.
  16. I don't think you can, just save up $50 and buy a crappy one, or save up $100 and get an HD one
  17. But isn't it? We're the ones buying the game, we're the ones giving them money, no sane company would give the consumer something they don't want. If enough people don't like the decision to put so and so in any game and because of that don't buy it, then the game company will do whatever the consumer (you, me, everyone) wants. The same thing can be accomplished through petitions or mass emails. Sure it's still the game companies decision, but through sales the consumers control every decision they make. Now on topic I don't mind sprint so much, if everyone started with sprint than I just wouldn't care since the only reason I complain about AAs is because they mean that players start the game unequal. If everyone started with sprint and were able to replace it with evade or a jump pack (not a jet pack) then I would absolutely love the game.
  18. I believe it's a truck mounted non-leathal weapon that is meant as a deterrent for large crowds and such, it basically makes you feel like you are on fire which causes you to run away, it works well EDIT: oh you're talking about Halo, I don't know then.
  19. This new installment of the CryEngine looks absolutely incredible! Currently I'm trying to imagine what the love child of this and Frostbite 2 would look like and it's making my mouth water. Here's the video, enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TtgW20IEm0&feature=player_detailpage
  20. I can all ready tell that I'm not going to like Close Quarters, but Armored Kill looks nice
  21. Here is the "jet pack" icon after I've messed around with the picture a bit
  22. I saw it too, I'll post a video with the time as soon as I can http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urybDL6RnwA&feature=player_detailpage squint your eyes and look in the top left at 2:06 - 2:10
  23. The embargo ends at 9 AM tomarrow, gentleman, set your watches

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