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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Money is there so you don't overload the map, to have every single possible item on the map at one time would require the number you can have of each item to be cut down to less than half of what you can have now, I would rather them keep it as it is now because it has the most versatility.
  2. Well... as far as I know, the mods don't really use it anymore, it's always there though so I would just ignore it... unless it starts to fill up that is...
  3. Funny, I was just asking about you a few days ago. Welcome back!
  4. Well there's no reason not to buy it, someone I know managed to get it somehow and he seems to like it, so go for it.
  5. The DLC is idiotic, Bioware can't be allowed to do this. I'm not buying this game, not anymore... I would be fine except with it except taking something away, something that has already been made! Something that is so important to the game's overall story! And only giving it to people who want to pay more, that's just wrong. $20 is a lot to some people, and what is being taken away from ME3 by this DLC is only comparable in the Halo universe to taking out the one mission in Halo that would explain what actually happend to the Precursors and what the Flood is really for. Making people pay extra for that is just wrong in my mind and goes against my beliefs on what is right and what is wrong in the game world. If I buy this game then I will be nothing more than a hypocrite, which is the exact reason why I won't be buying it...
  6. Wait... why does it have a magazine if it doesn't need to be reloaded?
  7. Wow, that looks like a brilliant map, can't wait to play it!
  8. I'm going to say, holy mother of god please no. If they make a Halo 7 the series will be reduced to what Call of Duty is. I mean think about it, that would be 10 games including spin offs.
  9. Every kiss begins with K On a serious note, good luck man! I hope everything goes well!
  10. Get him to buy you a new xbox saying that is the only way to get a new headset
  11. Hmmm I need something worse than AIDS... the next person who posts gets trapped in a room with Justin Beiber
  12. Welcome to the forums! Love your username by the way
  13. No, not all of the figures are from Halo 4
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