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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Is there any upward limit? Because I'm at 600 words
  2. Wow, thanks for the list! How long did that take you to make exactly?
  3. I'll have my application in by the end of the day. Congrats on mod status by the way John.
  4. Yup, if you dig through my name history it's in there somewhere.
  5. If you want to reach 343i please go to halo.xbox.com which is their official site, we are just a fan forum. Now on topic there will most likely not be a Halo Wars 2 due to Ensamble studios shutting down, while that does not eliminate the possibility it does make a sequel very unlikely.
  6. Did you just say that I stepped in gum? *checks shoes*
  7. Just to clear things up staff (which is news group up) are not eligible to win MoM. So I'm afraid no AD (although I agree that he deserves it) unless the rules have changed from the last go round.
  8. Yes there is he's being tricky, it says... Just highlight it
  9. Fortune Days - The Glitch Mob Television Rules the Nation - Daft Punk
  10. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081205143136AAVjcLi
  11. I already use Battlelog for Battlefield stuff. I'll check it out though
  12. Who needs 3D? http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=575&tbm=isch&tbnid=oG90d9RAFFAVCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.djhicks.net/virtual-boy/&docid=GYMUNHR0Qcs5CM&imgurl=http://www.djhicks.net/storage/VirtualBoy%252520small.jpg%253F__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION%253D1244355274038&w=418&h=571&ei=z_gJT4LEAaXv0gGZmdGkAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=424&vpy=161&dur=684&hovh=262&hovw=192&tx=104&ty=109&sig=112417051918776320194&page=2&tbnh=158&tbnw=116&start=10&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:10
  13. Not me, although I was sad to see Bungie go I feel like it was there time. It is good to see a new, fresh pair of hands take the wheel of one of the bigest franchises in gaming history. Whatever Bungie does next , Destiny, Tiger, I will buy it. But Reach was an example that Bungie was sick of Halo, nothing good would come out of them staying.
  14. This is a plea the Battlefield 3 players. Please spot your targets. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't. It gets you extra points and it helps your team. All you have to do is move your left thumb half an inch to the right, press down, and then return your thumb to the thumb stick. I don't feel like going into detail with this so I will stop it there. Thank you for your time .
  15. Well given that it has Halo 4 in the name and 343i would never release anything like that... it's fake
  16. I just managed to save my computer from one seemingly harmless message that I tried to send a month ago that kept recovering itself... it took up 182 GBs on my computer before I was able to stop it...

  17. Hey Caboose here, you can kind of guess why I made this I suppose - Keep it clean

    1. Ardent Prayer
    2. SuperIntendant


      Too many people asking if they could be in one of the episodes...

    3. CandiBunni


      What does that have to do with your status update and name change though?

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