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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Do you guys know when the next season starts? Anyway I will fill the gap between seasons with 'Fails of the weak" and "Achievement Horse".
  2. I'm thinking about going over to Waypoint and starting a petition. I really do miss it
  3. Just incase you missed the first update, this is headhunter, I changed my name to Caboose yesterday. That's it, happy posting!

  4. When will the match take place? I am busy a lot of the time but add me anyway. GT: Headhunter343
  5. I like it, if it isn't pinned, it should be.
  6. Hey guys it's headhunter here, under a new name. You jelly? Anyway I just wanted to inform you guys of the change.

  7. Marathon is only the best game ever! It was made by Bungie in 1996, you should get it, it's free.
  8. I hope that you ment to do that, lol. Anyway a belated welcome to you sir
  9. Ah getting some decent sleep for once was nice :)

  10. Considering that when I made this thread I intended for it to be a joke, I would say that being pinned is a good result, thanks AD!
  11. Your lack of Marathon disturbs me... Oh and Opera is a browser that is entirely designed to do everything fast. It seems, at times, to load pages twice as fast as Google Chrome. I use Chrome more though.
  12. Google Chrome is my favorite. Opera is a close second (it looks cool and is the fastest browser by far).
  13. But... who will update the backup site without you?
  14. I know why Bungie doesn't talk about it and that is in no way their fault. The reason I'm against a Halo 2 remake is that Halo 2s graphics are in no way bad. I have seen much worse in some modern games. Just because a game does not look as good as the most high end of the modern games does not mean that it needs to be remade. Duke Nukem is an example of a remake that needed to be made. The graphics of the original game were about twenty years out of date. The purpose of a remake is to bring back a classic not to bring back a game that isn't even 10 yet. Bringing Halo 2 back in ten years would be fine but the way you guys are talking it sounds like you want the game next week or you are going to through a riot. Also please stop making new threads about this when 4 of the top 5 threads are about this exact same thing.
  15. Adding that now, lol. No, I'm afraid there are around ten others like us and soon to be more EDIT: I added some more spacing in the OP to improve with organization. You like?
  16. No problem, I don't think anyone was offended. So, what's your opinion?
  17. I don't want it for a few reasons. 1. The game isn't that old, I could understand a Marathon remake but both Halo CE and Halo 2 are still playable, Halo CE had a decent reason to be remade for the anniversary, but there is no reason to remake Halo 2. 2. Remaking Halo 2 would just be making you pay more for a game that still works and looks fine, if you want a Halo 2 remake then just go and play Halo 2 and save your self some money. 3. I don't know how 343i thinks of Halo 2 but Bungie didn't even like to talk about it and considered the game a failure. This dramatically decreases the chance of a remake.
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