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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Sorry but DICE has said that they are abandoning the Bad Company series, so no BFBC3.
  2. What can I say, he's my idol. The person above my is a Hunter, the best of the Covenant. The person bellow me has the same IQ as Caboose.
  3. If anyone here knows the language java, we have a joke about whether we should use black or BLACK.
  4. September 9th 2008, link: http://www.gamespot....losing-ensemble
  5. They stopped doing it like 2 or 3 months ago. They are letting everyone's subscription finish.
  6. I like standerd control settings best. Oh and post number 300!!!!!!
  7. I believe he said something like if people really like Halo CEA then they will consider making another remake which I still disagree with. P.S. I now have the last post in every single thread in the halo section!
  8. Ok fine... you should only quit if an axe murderer just broke into your house....
  9. You mentioned in the shout box earlier that your account was "banned" for no reason. I don't suppose these xbl people said that they needed your email and password to make this transaction, did they?
  10. Yes, I have always wanted to look around with the "B" button!
  11. A miniature copy of the first shield world, and inside that will be another shield world, and inside that will be yet another shield world. The new series shall be called... Haloception...
  12. You are referring to 343i as you. I suppose I should mention that this is a fan forum, and despite what Halo117 thinks non of us are members of 343i. Secondly as someone said earlier, DON'T QUIT GAMES, it is bad for you and bad for your team. The only time you should EVER quit a game is if your house catches fire.
  13. I loved Bungie Pro, if they bring it back that would be great. I suppose it would have to be 343i Pro though, and that just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  14. Well Halo: CEA only has Reach's multiplayer (like ODST with Halo 3) so you should be able to get them on both games.
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