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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Ensamble has been shut down, there probably won't be a Halo Wars 2.
  2. Wow, anyway I have more then this but these are the ones I play. Battlefield 3 BFBC 2 Forza 3 Forza 4 NCAA 12 Halo Reach GOW 3 L.A Noire Fallout 3
  3. When you get back, can I just call you EE again because you change your name every week or so.
  4. Hopefully this one might actually have a story unlike Vegas 2...
  5. You ain't seen nothing yet.
  6. Really? Link me. EDIT: Oh I see... oh well this is a repost then...
  7. AD is right as usual. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and everyone has the right to disagree. But flaming is not necessary. If you disagree then voice your own opinion but there is no need to call them stupid or an idiot just because they don't agree with you.
  8. If you havent seen it yet here you go Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfcNoMnKjrY
  9. Spectral is now a Mod and AD is a Community Mod, can I just not leave this site for two days without anything big happening? :) Also congrats to both of you on the promotion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SuperIntendant


      Your welcome, you deserved it.

    3. SuperIntendant


      Same as above goes for you AD

    4. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Thanks Headhunter.

      Appreciate the props.

  10. From Bungie huh, are you a fellow Floodian?
  11. ... this made me lol. You have a big surprise coming
  12. Party rock is in the house tonight!

  13. Just a small town girl...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I am friggin' lost.....

    3. SuperIntendant


      ...I think that killed it... and Spectral, no just Journey fans

    4. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Sorry, I missed the refference on the "Glee Club" post. lol

  14. I haven't read through the thread but why not just have a starting deployment using drop pods on a map or something. You know Battlefield style.
  15. I would like Sandbox to make a re-appearance.
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