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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. Blame the phone for double post. Oh well I might as well say something relevant! I think they really need to add Caspian Border. Operation Metro just isn't Battlefield.
  2. Disagreeing with a member of the news crew who has acces to the final game does seem a bit dangerous but some of what you said doesn't really make sence. I added numbers to make this less confusing. 1. Makes sence, DICE doesn't really do small maps. It wouldn't suprise me at all if the real map is twise as big. 2. Also makes sence. 3. This is where I disagree. Maybe Operation Metro doesn't have vehicles, but in the past Rush gamemodes have always had more power vehicles on maps then their conquest counter parts. Arica Harbor is a good example of this. 4. PC players already had Caspian Border with full vehicles so this would make sence.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNnIG_t-TE0 Who else is going to try it?
  4. The entire point of a Beta is to find bugs in the game, by launch the game will be mostly fixed especially if you do your part and report the bugs. Anyway my first thoughts from the beta are "Wow DICE you have done it again and much better then ever before.". I personally think the game looks brilliant with explosions and particle effects. Keep in mind that Operation Metro is the least Battlefield like map in the entire game because it doesn't have any vehicles and for a Battlefield map it is not very big. They have made lots of great changes to the game and I can't wait to see what the full game will be like.
  5. Biased much? Haha Anyway I'm split because I am a member of both. I think this site has a better community, but Bungie.net has some theories that are absolutely top notch...
  6. That was a lot bigger then I thought it would be...
  7. I would like to have a version of Halo 3's Recon in the sense that it is only available as something very very special. Despite how angry it made the community it always gave us something to look up to, well until ODST. Let the flaming began ! P.S. I'm probably only saying this because I got Recon in Bungie vs. the World so I highly doubt the rest of you feel the same.
  8. Well after the mix up with the date we would have had trouble getting people anyway.
  9. I really hope the new update fixes the spam like it's supposed to, the spam is horrible. Crushing a spam bot must feel so good.

    1. One


      I crushed a can of spam, cut up my hand real bad.

    2. SuperIntendant


      That's why you get your friend to do it :)

  10. Would be interesting but won't happen. The main reason is that Frank O'Conner said that the Forward Unto Dawn will be kind of like a main base so for that reason a lot of the Halo 3 weapons will HAVE to be in the game.
  11. How was it? I had lots of work to do, sorry I couldn't attend.
  12. +10 internetz for you sir. Or just a return of sandbox...
  13. On the first page of introductions/goodbyes I would like to point this out. These are sorted by post count... 1.Hey ya'll, I'm a new girl here: with 35 posts 2.This place is better then B.net: with 21 posts Those are the top two as far as post count... are we really this obvious?
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