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Everything posted by AgentLoFi

  1. Same thing has happened to me a couple times and usually they come back after either playing a couple games and if not I just quit out and restart reach and then they should pop back up. From my experience it's just a hiccup and I wouldn't worry about it.
  2. I loved Halo Legends! Unfortunately I don't think we'll get another one. The only way I could see that happening again is for promotion of either 1. A halo movie or 2. The new halo trilogy. And with that in mind I would gather it would be much shorter than it was, they really did do quite a bit of work on Legends. I will still have hope for another one though, but in the mean time we have some great books coming out!
  3. Sign me up my good sir! Have yet to mess with the new custom challenges. Good idea Twin
  4. Energy sword all the way! Like everyone said, the lunge really makes the sword better than the grav hammer.
  5. Good read and good advice! I can't tell you how much custom games help learning call outs, grab a buddy and go through whatever map and basically play a game of marco polo.
  6. I'll agree with everyone else so far and say that it was indeed very awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  7. Lol i know serene, but the author of those gametypes still say bungie.
  8. Bungie also released a bunch of anniversary gametypes, don't know if firefight is one of them though, I just did a custom search with the tag anniversary
  9. Wow, didn't realise how close I was to trusted member, my how time flys. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      You'll be there in no time! Keep it up Agent!

  10. Totally agree with this, email being sent!
  11. Dec 6th is the supposed release date, i've been hearing so much about this that i'm starting to get ancy for it's release. I really hope there are no more delays
  12. Once again great advice! Actually directed one of my buddies to check this out as he's just about to pick up reach.
  13. I haven't gotten through them all yet, but I have to say that this is some impressive stuff, thanks for sharing
  14. Cross mappin on Hang 'em high is what you did on that map back in day. I personally think most of the maps play much better in Anniversary slayer, then reach slayer settings. I kinda agree with you on breakneck though, if they get the gauss warthog it's an uphill battle for sure.
  15. Nice idea! I'd give an answer, but I don't need the prizes Good luck guys!
  16. I'll also say that it's nice to have a "camper" on your team if you tend to be a run 'n' gunner, if you're good you can lure the other team to your camper's position, which he can then pick off the other team while there distracted with you.
  17. Bizarro...... Bizarro...... Bizarro I love you :)

  18. I swear i've seen you post on here before lol Welcome!
  19. I'm fairly average and am usually on most evenings after 5pm central us. Could definitely use a teammate, been plagued with quitters on my team lately. My gt is the same as username. Check my stats if you want. I play for fun, winning is definitely not a necessity
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