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Everything posted by AgentLoFi

  1. Thanks for the article, was a good read!
  2. Had fun, unfortunately it was only Choot 'em and myself. We really need to co-ordinate a successful community playdate, maybe we can set one up for christmas break?
  3. Unfortunately I don't think they'll add anymore ranks (I hope they prove me wrong). I would of figured that they would of added them with the release of anniversary, that would of made the most sense to me. Hopefully they'll make an update, possibly a map pack and add some new ranks for us, but if it hinders the process of creating Halo4, I would much rather have there efforts towards that.
  4. I agree AD! This is a rare forum experience in which most of the contributing members are very polite and respectful of everyone's opinions. There is a wealth of great ideas and information here and hopefully we can continue to grow and redefine what a forum should be.
  5. You are killing me - You Killing Me
  6. Good advice man! Another way to practice, which I usually use to warm up, is to do some firefights, I personally like score attack or skirmigeddon for that. Skirmishers are good practice for hitting a fast moving target.
  7. Hope all goes well for ya man! We kicked some a** (for the most part lol) on the anniversary maps!
  8. That would be "Anaylze mode" which is a Kinect exclusive feature.
  9. I currently use google chrome and I am very happy with it. I did use opera quite a bit before I found the awesomeness that i chrome Opera was not that bad though, works great on older computers.
  10. This was the only thing that disappointed me, not a big deal and I still have quite a ways to go to get to the highest rank. Would of been nice for the people that are inheiritors though.
  11. I chose gears over halo just because although awesome, it wasn't really new, where gears was, the ending was amazing, and the mp was so much fun, I have yet to play skyrim yet so this answer will most likely change
  12. So far i've had no major issues playing co-op over xbl, loading between levels takes a bit, but i've personally had more issues with people quitting in the anniversary playlists than anything else, it's actually been worse than vanilla reach, out of the 10 matches I played last night only 2 had every player. Anyways, I still love this game and the new maps!
  13. Violent Reaction - American Head Charge
  14. So far it is everything I expected and I couldn't be happier (other than working today which blows). It took me all but 2 seconds to be sucked right back into halo, it was a serious flashback moment for me. Other than the updated graphics, the thing that really stuck out the most for me was the sound and soundtrack, wow, everything is just beefed up 10x. The AR is possibly the most satisfying to fire, just has so much more kick to it. All in all i'm happy and I could write more but I should global get back to work.
  15. flamey craptacular turd pile lol made my day there. I might have to use that one Twin.
  16. For me anyway, odst was my favourite campaign to play through other than Hce, Serene Mystic is right about the music and atmosphere of the game, it almost makes you feel like you're playing Halo Noir. I agree that the lighting effects could of been better, it would of really made this game stand out. I am definitely one of the people hoping for another odst.
  17. The shirts are pretty nifty, but that grunt avatar prop is freakin hilariously awesome! So cute
  18. My friend once said, "I'm not a noob..... I just play like one"

  19. I personally don't think they need to remake this anytime soon, for me halo 2 still stands up well graphics wise compared to halo ce (which definitely looks dated). Yes it would be nice to see an HD touch up and I think most of us miss the multiplayer, but once halo 4 comes out I think the demand might go down a bit, depending of course on how good H4 will be (which I have a feeling it'll be epic).
  20. I love firefight, but I totally understand why they got rid of limited, yes the population was very small, but the problem for me mostly was 1. It would take forever to find a match, 2. When I did get a match there was usually 1 person that would eat up all our lives or afking. Now this is just my observation and opinion, so this may vary. The only time I liked playing it was when I had a party to play with.
  21. OMG!!! This will be epic! A must buy. That was such an awesome game, I definitely put my fair share of quarters into this machine back in the day
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