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Everything posted by AgentLoFi

  1. Awesome!!! Thanks for the info Spec! This was actually a surprise, didn't think they would add anymore achievements for the defiant map pack, bonus either way.
  2. Good advice, and thanks for keeping this site clean! Awesome forum needs to stay awesome.
  3. Seriously, thank you for your service, you're a real spartan!!
  4. AgentLoFi

    TU Beta

    I would think so, but then the anniversary playlist will pop up and replace it I would like to think that they'll have a zb playlist with the reach maps not just the anniversary maps.
  5. A race playlist would be cool, but I doubt it would work, probably end up like the other small playlists and have a pretty small population and have to wait forever just to race. Still would be fun though
  6. Toxic is Dead - The Toxic Avenger
  7. Right now i'm super pumped for Halo cea! I know it's not an xbox game but i'm also looking forward to twisted metal for the ps3, I played the hell out of that game and it's been waaay too long since the last installment.
  8. Forgive me father for I have sinned. Alcohol and halo do not mix well for me as one match I completely forgot which team I was on and proceeded to shoot, nade, and kill my team for a good couple minutes before I realised my error (I honestly thought I was kicking some a*s). Never play halo after a long night of drinking
  9. I noticed while playing this weekend that indeed the dlc maps came up much more often and that makes me very happy, specially since those are some awesome maps.
  10. Thanks Twin! I actually started to check out the opposing teams stats a little more closely and you 're pretty spot on! Even if they were a lower rank they seemed to have a similar k\d ratio. I know that if the searching takes too long though, they usually end up just trying to find the quickest match for you and forgoe the skill aspect of the search. Once again thanks for the insight
  11. I have waay too many to list, I am most definitely a collector. Just some numbers Atari 2600 - 79 games NES - 542 games SNES - 138 games Sega Master System - 48 Sega Genesis - 112 I have much more, pretty much every console made since the 80's and a slew of computers from the C64 to the MSX (which has the original metal gear). My baby is a 60 in 1 arcade cabinet that I built. My smallest collection is for my 360, which I do trade games in quite a bit, the only ones that stay constant are my halo and gears series.
  12. malfunction from what i saw in a waypoint video was random hud elements disappear every time you respawn or die.
  13. Hey twin, I'm interested in knowing how the skill search restriction works, what does it base itself off of to determine similar skilled people? It seems to me for the most part that it goes more off of rank than anything else. No rush on an answer, just interested.
  14. I liked your article, my opinion on it is that I wouldn't be worried, toji is amazing, I know he's not marty but toji definitely has the resume to back his talents up. It's hard to judge how the music will be until we see the full game, since knowing the environments we play and story have allot to do with the score, it's how movies are done allot of the time, usually the score isn't added till after the completion of the film as to get a feel for whats happening emotional and visually in the film, which imo produces the best results. Scores are not meant to make a film, but to enhance it.
  15. Thanks for the info Spec! I like that they're tweaking the mm dlc, will be nice to see those maps pop up more. I also understand why they're dropping ff limited, too many people quit when playing it and the fact that most of the time someone would just use up all our lives anyway. Definitely looking forward to the changes.
  16. Jeez, I think you're right Kurt, we need to find a Reach.
  17. I know what you 're saying AD, 99% of the time, specially texas heat, I play against bots, thus why i'm trying to find some players. it's a good game to bs and chillout after a night of slaughtering some covie.
  18. Quote The Monarch "You shall all feel the sting in your nether regions"

  19. Anyone here play? If so hit me up my gt is the same as username. Wouldn't mind trying to get together a poker night.
  20. AgentLoFi

    Halo 4 Beta

    I would like to see an open beta for halo 4, my reason being that it would build on the hype for the release and possibly bring some new fans in, since everyone likes something that's free, you might get people that wouldn't ordinarily play halo to be hooked by the beta.
  21. Saloprie de Minimal - The Toxic Avenger
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