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Everything posted by NarwalsPwn

  1. I bought it and it's a good game, kind of like a block/lego game in a way... its fun to play and you can create your own worlds and what not...
  2. Dead Island, then what ever great game comes after
  3. The Person Above me scares me O_o Its an accomplishment for being Evil... The Person below me is afraid to come out the closet where all his Halo stuff is...
  4. When you move into a new neighbourhood and meet new friends and they ask your name and you say "The names Master Chief"
  5. When your teacher asks you what you did over the summer and you said "I visited my fellow Spartans and kicked some Coventant Ass"
  6. I play Halo 3 and ODST on the side when im not playing reach or replaying halo 1 and 2
  7. Your neighbour comes back as a mad scientist who has created a horrible virus that soon breaks loose and infects him turning him into a zombie, then going to your house and eating your brains... I wish that i had super powers...
  8. When you move the peas on your plate into the shape of master chief's head...
  9. [engages a horde of Combat Flood] "Oh God! I recognize that one... That was Bob!" (Pvt. Chips Dubbo on Halo 1)
  10. "Can't... run... with... thing... on... back..." (Grunt on Halo 1)
  11. "Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-***** machine, or a giant hoola hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it!" (Sgt. Johnson) (Halo 1)
  12. e.e Can't wait any longer for Halo 4...

  13. I feel that halo wouldn't be the same if it went 3rd person because 1st person makes the game good...
  14. i find halo pretty active and there are still people even playing on halo 1 online for like PC and people playing on Halo 3
  15. I hope that there is going to be a story line with something to do with fourunners and precursors
  16. The Master Chief we know and love will die in an epic way and then slowly take off his helmet and then we will see who he is... and then a whole new Generation of Halo will be made with new Spartans
  17. I'm sorry to hear that... They do that to me all the time so i go to mc donalds
  18. Where would i buy them i want some
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