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Everything posted by ItsMrDeath2You

  1. he/she would invite yap yap (good ol yap yap), and probably some engineers, maybe the librarian, and fonzie cause how dosn't want the fonz at their party. lol but i feel certain that the grunt would not invite: cortana,cheif,brutes(expecialy tartarus),eliets, jackels, profits. i think its fair to say that anyone that shot at them or enslaved them would not be invited.
  2. im not sure but i think frank had also said they might allow another company to make it just like bungie did with hw1, but i would have to go and watch the interview again to be sure.
  3. I like and agree with all comments, but the ones that i feel they should put extra consideration behind are, server and theater for spartan ops/campaign, and firefight with server and theater. halo 3 ODST's firefight was challenging and entertaining, and while they add some variations in reach's firefight (example, generator defense) it was far more boring and redundent. it took less skill and teamwork. so if they do add firefight(which i hope they do) they should blend the two where there are more than one firefight game type, but is still really challenging and probably need lot of teamwork to get vary far. also editing terrain, excpecialy the ability to add or delete trees. that was one of the worst parts of reach's forge. more color would really help to make the map stand out, and have call outs.
  4. alright so answer them as frank then. but maybe serious frank and silly frank? also i want to apologise for taking over your topic i thought other people would be responding to, so sorry.
  5. thank you! how do you weigh in on the other topics: drm too strong or br too weak? halo wars 2? team doubles in four? ohh and bolt shot being too strong/nooby? thanks again for your thoughts and opinions.
  6. I am the Public Relations Officer for a community called The Dark Enforcers. we are looking for clans/communitys to battle. we are looking to develop some good repiore with other clans and communitys so that we might have frequent battles. if you are interested please send me a message on this site or on xbox live my gamertag is DE ItsMrDeath2U. thanks for your time!
  7. please look at my topic The Dark Enforcers sign up. check it out you might be interested, but you can't know untill you look. thanks for your time!
  8. Please take a look at my clan recruitment topic, it states what the community i am in is all about. you might be interested maybe not but you can't know unless you look. thanks for your time. fyi community name is The Dark Enforcers, and we have been around for 12 years(started on PC)
  9. Hi, I am not interested in joining, but i am very interested in trying to set up so clan battles. seeing as how no one is replying to my clan battle thread/topic i am being a bit more pro active. I am Public Relations Officer for The Dark Enforcers, we are a community not a clan so a bit more laid back but we are will to battle anyone. we are really intereseted in developing some good repor with other clans so that we might battle that clan frquently.we have 350+ members so if posible we would like to plan events like this two weeks in advance so that we can make a sign up sheet on our web site, and so that we can have as many games going as possible at once.... if your clan is interested please message on this site or send a message to my xbox live account DE ItsMrDeath2U, thanks for your consideration!
  10. these are all very good tips!, but when i posted about my community all of that type of stuff was already decided because my community has already been around for 12 years(started on pc). i did not join until a year ago, and recently became the halo 4 divisions Public Relations Officer, and i made a post for recruiting about 2 and half months ago, and have only gotten 1 hit from it. any suggestions for an older clan that just seems to be getting overlooked on this fourum?
  11. yes i do realize that, and yes i realize you started this as a joke, but i would like to know your honest opioion, i know a lot of people are going to have a different viewpoint on the quitting issues, but i also posted about dmr/br, the bolt shot, halo wars 2, and team doubles in h4. lots of different things to reply to. again i know your trying to be funny but i would actully apreiciate some thoughtful answers and opinions. thanks!
  12. i do use it, i like it alot, but lots of others complain, and want it nerfed. i don't think it should be nerfed,if nerfing it has to be considered i think they should instead make br better. did you take in to acount the people that are currently at work or school. not everyone can be on all of the time, or infact even want to be on all of the time.
  13. please name another game that banns quitters. not halo wars not h1,h2, or h3, not cod(any of them), not left for dead, not MoH, no other game dose this. and 343 and bungie lose a lot of respect for having this resoning completly backwards! if someone quits out of game its generaly for 1 of three reasons, 1 real life is calling them, 2 their team is the worst of the worst. 3 they got betrayed. so 1. you cant control life. 2. why should we pe punished for wanting a team that is as good as you are(a true skill system would fix this)3. the quitter gets banned instead of betrayer, that completley backwards. im not mlg and in fact hate mlg, im casual competitve player, if team not competivit not worth my time. if that were ture and not just a joke, that all 343i cares about is $, then i will quit halo 4 ever. pretty sure not the only one. 343i would lose a lot of respect if that is the case. but i don't think that it's true, 343i, while did make some mistakes with h4, obviosly cares more the bungie did with reach. by catering to noobs rather than encourageing them to get better and a game, you ruin the game its self! in h3 when my team quit on me all of the time because i used to be bad, i did not whine to the company to make game easier, i learnd how to get better at it, then i did get better! o only time people shold be banned from playing 1, if they hack/mod 2 if they use modded controler, 3 they use lagg switch, 4 they verbaly hairass the rest of the community(in which case should get reported) people should not be banned for wanting to have an enjoyable experience(meaning not playing with betrayers!). again please name one other game that dose this. i really doubt you can, because there is not one on xbox, maybe on pc and even then i think would would have to look for a long time to find one. again quitters should lose exp not be banned. 343 reasoning completly backwards. also if that many people like playing as elite, they should be able to. your comment about turing h4 into cod1, is just plain wrong! your adding more options and customizable stuff, but losing the custom stuff from old games that made halo halo! eliets should be in h5 as playable character! and you saying the are beefing up boltshot breaking the game balance even farther, while ignoring dmr/br is also a vary unwise move! i just wish sprectral jesture, or anyone else offical would read this. i feel i am making vary valid point worth consideration.i realize its s joke topic but still serious issues. do people feel im out of line or do they agree. heres two more questioins for you frank. 1. why no team double in h4, are we ever going to get? 2.will 343 make or hire another company to make halo wars 2? earlier is said that betrayers should be banned. but actually thats probably too far too. so what should happen, 1 true skill added in(this would fix half of the problem, you would then be matched with people of similar skill) 2 friendly fire should be turned off in all playlists( that way they would only hurt them self by waisting ammo) if those two things happend i would NEVER quit! only time people should be banned, 1 hacked/ modded,2 lagg switch 3, modded controler, 4 verbal hairassment. and i don't think those things happen vary much if at all anymore.
  14. i completly agree excpet h4 being dope, i would say it is ok. also what do you guys think about the br/dmr comment? should option 1 dmr get nerfed or 2 br get beefed up(on range and accuracy not damage).
  15. i am not raging, i am just tierd of getting betrayed just cause i know wepon spawn times. the community should not have to deal with selfish players like that, one thing if teamdose not give you cover or help, completly differnt thing to be shooting you in back just cause your better. no betrayers should be banned. quitters should lose exp, like in halo 3.
  16. the ones that betray their own team just cause they are too slow to get a power wepon, should be the ones getting banned, not the people that don't want to deal with those selfish jerks
  17. it has nothing to do with being funny, that why im connfused, and if 343 thinks its funny to force people into an unenjoyable experience, reward those that made it unenjoyable in the first place, i have to seriously reconsider being a halo fan!
  18. what do you mean not always funny? i quit when my experience is ruined by others, if others think their experience is ruined by people quiting out of a match, they should realize they may have done somthing to incurage that persons quitting such as betraying, or not able to manage even a 0.05 k/d r.
  19. as far as your comment to gotee, i disagree. while i never liked playing as elite, i know many that have stopped playing h4 just because they don't have the option to be their favorite race. as far as your comment to me, please elaborate, it was kinda vauge. thanks
  20. is bolt shot getting nerfed? it should! it is cheaper than noob combo, is that kind of cheapness really neaded?
  21. please read my topic about quitting ban in halo 4. i know it kinda starts as a rant, sorry for that, but i feel i make some solid points about quitting banns in general. it would be nice to have intelegent people comment.thanks also br vs dmr in h4, most people seem to say that dmr should get nerfed with up comming tittle updates, instead i think the br should be beefed up! your opinion?
  22. reach is not better in both catagories. reach's campagin while entertaining contradicts halo books, cantradicts halo2, cantradicts halo1, cantradicts halo 3. it took the awsome story line that so many had work on and dragged it through the mud in a pig pen. so now if anyone takes reach campaign seriously their understanding of the halo story is covered in mud and pig ****. that being said reach's multiplay was fun. thing that ruin reach multiplayer 1 quitt bann, 2 armor lock. 3. no true skill system. things that ruin h4's multiplayer 1 quit bann 2 no true skill system 3. some say dmr too powerful.(I say dmr is fine but br is too weak)
  23. armor lock in 5? dear god i hope not! armor lock is for noobs!!!!! the only reason i ever used it was to show the people that thought they were so good with it that they really are not good at all. i hated every second of using it even though i was one of the best with it. i hated fighting aginst it. it just slows down gameplay.learn to be more tactical in your map movement and you will have cover, or an escape rout, meaning you will not need somthing as cheap as armor lock
  24. for players like me that prefer really high sensitivity and have really good hand eye cordintions any way, aim assist has always been hated. and i would love if others were forced to actually aim by them selfs. also not haveing your ritical move off of your one shot target just because his teammate walks right infront of him, then aim assist track him instead. I don't need help aiming i am a big boy thank you vary much. if the kids need a nipple of the their sippy cup then let them play in a different playlist just for them, instread of putting the sippy cup top on every playlist.
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