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Everything posted by BATMAN

  1. B& 4 the lack of authority to inform others of their lack of authority.
  2. Wow, this vote's REALLY one sided! I don't know whether to hop on board, or consider this strange occurrence as a trap.
  3. I saw a turtle once. It was in the middle of the desert in a wash. My friend picked him up and we named it "AIDS."
  4. We got another lurker! Woot! Welcome to the forums; You wouldn't be the first to convert from Waypoint, and we believe in warm welcomes. We hope you enjoy your stay here; Don't be afraid to participate! After your fifth post, you'll be able to use the shoutbox and interact with others in chat. That's usually where the most of my time goes ^u^ Feel free to explore!
  5. The Rock's not dead, he posts selfies of him eating Fruity Pebbles on the daily.
  6. "Evidence" and "speculation" are two entirely different things, and should be used accordingly. Speculation: "the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence." Evidence: "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."
  7. Hmph. It's gonna take ages (or loads of monies) for me to get Mark V. Drat.
  8. The game's simple. Type your first name, then tap the first suggestion "until it stops being funny." An example. Karin and the third blade is STILL a little late, and I rarely ever been to a strip of my childhood, and the third day in MGS. .. 'kay, that was weird.
  9. Is this gonna be a guide on how to get said armor once the game's released?
  10. I don't know about any of that, but I do know one thing. Porcupine quills smell heavenly.
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