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Everything posted by BATMAN



    Welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay
  2. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to get comfy and stick around for a while
  3. Assuming the machinery is made out of gold as well, the darn thing would melt on the inside and probably become one giant fire hazard. If the lead techs/engineers weren't snorting off of CoD box sets, we can assume the engine was a proper one... And would properly fry itself trying, in vain, to rotate the blades. Assuming the engine COULD rotate the blades properly, it'd tear itself apart (you can't move that much weight and mass using gold.. I mean... Really?). I mean, I'm not an engineer, but these flaws.. Not worth the money.
  4. 'kay wait, I'm the only one that sees the flaws of making a helicopter out of solid gold..?
  5. I never saw a point to trash talk, as someone once said, "Trash talk doesn't mean a thing; get over yourself."
  6. I think that'd make the game a little too hectic and button-mashy. Care to go a little more in depth?
  7. False. HCE/HPC lacked a ranking system entirely, and even in spite of all my lovely memories in Halo 3, Halo 1 still had an outstanding multilayer experience-- even without ranks. Ranks just give the illusion of "skill," which I refuse to believe even exists. It's only an excuse to talk trash, but I've taken down 50's while only being in the 20's. Halo doesn't need ranks, it needs love. /srynotsry /hadto /kthxbai
  8. Honestly, I wouldn't doubt it. And on here, you don't only have to talk about Halo. We've got a wide variety of topics and the like, jus' go 'head and take a peak around. So hey! Once again, welcome!
  9. Whelp, another case of ban-happy mods from the Waypoint forums. Don't feel bad; a LOT of people have experienced something similar. However, here at the 343iCF, we have mods that aren't as ban-happy (but they are practical jokers), and a community that at least tries to get along with each other. You're welcome to stay if you'd like, we could always use another active member! Cheesy greeting aside, I've never been to the Waypoint forums (too scary), so I wouldn't know anything about ban messages or codes. Plus, the "2552" is just another reference to Halo, albeit a grim and nonsensical reason to ban someone. Well, hope you enjoy your stay
  10. Spamming the site with multiple accounts isn't a good idea, y'know..
  11. So yeah, drawing red lines on an image with red lines already present just makes it difficult.. /mobileproblems
  12. I'd prefer HBO to do anime movies rather than series. But I think you're on to something.
  13. B& because it's a cute lil carrot setting a forrest on fire.
  14. *sigh* mics as a prerequisite definitely doesn't make it fun. The way I see it, nobody's gonna wanna hear me rage, and I definitely don't want my ears drilled out by somebody else's rage. It's not like it's difficult to hear someone through the standard audio. Well, that and I always have my options set to universally mute. I've had enough 'fun' trying to talk to puppies online. Oh, and one more thing, ALL CAPS ALL GLORY!
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