I'sen Richter
Tomboy-ish, Wendy Welder hair.
Faded/sunbleached green jacket with grey hoodie underneath, weathered jeans and combat boots. Combat knife, hunting rifle, and shotgun (double barrel plz? Over/under?)
Addicted to cigarettes and whiskey. Sarcastic, abrasive, but genuinely cares about others (so long as they don't cross her).
Got so used to getting black-out drunk that she can't really remember her past. Occasionally remembers moments of extreme anger and spite; needless to say, the wastelands hasn't been a close friend. Answers to Sen out of old habits and memories of dead friends.
(If you're not willing to fill in the special for me, my best stab is 3, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 7.)
Lockpick, Repair, Medicine.
Can't wait to check this out