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Everything posted by BATMAN

  1. Great find! I'd probably end up purchasing it. Then I can make all the people I've taught to play Halo read it. I taught them Halo. They taught me the fear of cupcakes.
  2. So when're you gonna do another YouTube rant?
  3. b& 4 lack of disco. (You thought I was gonna say "fire," didn't you?)
  4. Hopefully. Maybe I can get my XBL sub renewed soon; I'd love to be more active in community games sometime soon.
  5. I agree. I thought it was weird that ODST's ran faster with turrets. Though, I found ODST to be at least passable and somewhat fun. But it really did feel like Halo 3.
  6. "Not as overpowered?" Please; it was such a lie when they said you can't take on a brute head-on, turns out that was the easiest strategy. The fact that you were at LEAST a head taller than everyone else was another one of those blunt lies. Hell, "no shields?" Renaming the shields to "stamina" doesn't mean they aren't shields. (Same way I feel about "smart scope isn't ADS" {yeahuh, right.}) But I liked playing as an ODST. They lied about a lot of it, but ODST was a pretty solid game. I think an "ODST 2" would need a really strong, stable, and actually engaging story (I spaced out with the story in ODST) for there to be any merit of its existence.
  7. I fall asleep to creepy pastas, so I'm disappoint that you didn't post new ones/ones I haven't heard before. I'm so disappoint. J/k, wish there was a bigger horror following. Grats on 666 posts!
  8. There's been plenty of occasions where teammates have gotten into my line of fire; even more when they rush an enemy, forcing me to hold my fire while the enemy so much as breathes on us and wipes us out. Then y'know, splash damage with incidental TK's and the glorious black screen of bein' booted pops up. That being said, I'm probably not the best for rockets ^^;
  9. Well, I'd love to have a bit more intelligence, and charisma, but I went with modifying your example a tad to avoid being OP.
  10. I'sen Richter Human 21 Female Caucasian Tomboy-ish, Wendy Welder hair. Faded/sunbleached green jacket with grey hoodie underneath, weathered jeans and combat boots. Combat knife, hunting rifle, and shotgun (double barrel plz? Over/under?) Addicted to cigarettes and whiskey. Sarcastic, abrasive, but genuinely cares about others (so long as they don't cross her). Got so used to getting black-out drunk that she can't really remember her past. Occasionally remembers moments of extreme anger and spite; needless to say, the wastelands hasn't been a close friend. Answers to Sen out of old habits and memories of dead friends. (If you're not willing to fill in the special for me, my best stab is 3, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 7.) Lockpick, Repair, Medicine. Can't wait to check this out
  11. I honestly don't think betrayals are too big of a problem. Teabagging's a bigger problem. I almost dropped out of the Paintball game because of it (and yet, I won :3).
  12. I agree mostly with your post, SD. TKFT's (i'll let that go undefined) suck, but when you're with a group if buddies, betrayal can get pretty hilarious. Unrelated/related/irrelevant memory: I got booted (and the guy promptly removed me from his friends list) from a custom infection game back in Halo 3 'cause my cousin and I managed to find a tiny nook on the side of a building made out of those giant crates; which just so happened to be out of lunging range and isolated enough for us to hold out for a good five or so minutes before the game quickly ended and receiving an earful of salty bitterness for bein' a "noob" and a camper. Halo 3... Fun times. I think the betrayal system back then was pretty fun, unless you got peeved enough to TK back.. That usually resulted in a friendly and swift boot.
  13. Love you Director. Any more youtube rants? (Prime example as to why not to drink and browse forums; the "One Track" edition.)
  14. I believe the problem with the armor unlocking is that you weren't connected to xbox live. I know it's a silly prerequisite, but there's not much we can do. Since we're not really 343i, the most we can do is rage together. Except I didn't really care for the armor, so I'm not as heated.
  15. Hahaha, forum drama. Yeah, I think I might sit the next couple of games out. I mean, it's fun, but when it gets to this point.. Yeah, it gets unfunny pretty quick.
  16. You know that they actually made a few changes with H2A, right? Deal. They're making patches as we speak, dude. Patience. Dual-wielding is kind of a gimmick that doesn't really affect the game that much.. And in HCE, you couldn't dual-wield any way. There's no reason to really have it. And by the way, we're not 343i. Look at the banner at the top of the page.. "Community Forums." Google "halo waypoint" and I'm sure you'll find plenty of like-minded peeps there. However, there's nothing we can do about it here.
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