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Everything posted by BATMAN

  1. I think the back-to-basics formula of 15.0 is a great thing. Keep it.
  2. We need a revolution... 'cause this is starting to scare me (not to mention remind me why I don't get into politics).
  3. Rock on Twin. Educate the forum (In partial response to Rocket's post: I'm not being sarcastic, I legitimately want some knowledge stomped down on this.)
  4. Please do. I see this act/bill thing as a threat due to my natural paranoia and would LOVE to understand what it REALLY means.. .. And let's face it, Twin.. You're probably the best person to do that.
  5. Wouldn't know, West. I voted for you at the beginning to wait and see how the rest of pro-town would vote. And I think the word you're looking for is "prejudice." Racism implies perceived superiority.
  6. Oh, I have intentions to support my team, I just wanted to get a laugh. And sadly, it didn't work. Oh, well. I guess pro-town's voting for Wally now? Coo', don't gotta change my vote.
  7. This makes me want to change my vote to Frank, since there's no rule about being uncooperative with your team.
  8. I really hope they include Mark V at launch.. I was so bummed when it wasn't in H4, so I used the aerosol spray helmet (HAZOP, methinks) 'til the DLC came out. I wonder when they'll do Mark VII..
  9. Wait wait wait wait wait...... Rules go from #13 to #15?
  10. I loved the flood. I might be one of the few remaining HCE fanatics in the world, but they were the perfect twist to a game that was already beautiful and perfect. (I went back to HPC just before ODST came out and dominated with an outstanding k/d with an entirely full game of FFA, and I was top of the leader board; I miss that island map.) When I was a kid, playing HCE on my dad's tower of an XPS, the Flood terrified me and have continued to be a staple, a hallmark, of the series. When that gondola scene happened in H4, I thought Halo 2 fans would be happy (I hate-- I DESPISE gondolas), but ultimately, I was disappointed that Forerunners were supposed to be the shocking and terrifying and yadda yadda yadda; they were underwhelming. The Flood? Nostalgia, fear, and all those years spent gaming on that aging tower rush back to me. THEY were a threat. I hope the Flood comes back. They actually made the game challenging.
  11. I really miss Halo 1's ranking system..
  12. What? You're allowed to lie in these games.. the best way to skew someone's opinion is to use trigger words. So I might've appeared offended, but I wasn't. The first game I played, I WAS pro-town for the majority of the game. So when everyone was questioning me and my role, I actually WAS pro-town. Then I was converted, and no-one asked if I was pro-town after that. I'd've been perfectly honest with you if you'd ask; But no-one bothered. So call me "offended" if that makes you feel better; But you're wrong. And if you think I'm acting all offended with this post, you'd be wrong again. I'm trying to articulate my point of view in a way you'd actually understand.
  13. It's so sad to see all of you vote for the BR. Honestly. But to be fair, I get it. 12 shots with a 3-round burst weapon seems like a fair trade. The carbine has about 17 shots (I'm fine getting corrected with this, I haven't bothered to keep track in the heat of battle) and remains accurate with any kind of hammering on the trigger. As I've said, I've been able to outclass any BR user at any range with the Carbine, but maybe that's just me-- thinking the BR is OP, therefore unbalanced and worthless-- and dead-set on training with a weapon everyone will overlook. So maybe my opinion's skewed; But I've managed to make the Carbine much more effective than the BR, and ergo, I see the Carbine as a better weapon than the BR, possibly simply because it's a niche weapon.
  14. Hahaha, you obviously don't know what sarcasm is. My problem with pro-town this round is that my vote USED to count as 1; NOW it counts as half. NOW they ask me for help because I "have use" for them. I let my emotions fade and jokingly mentioned that they should get eaten by zombies. Get a sense of humor; this IS the internet, after all.
  15. Now don't you feel proud? What were your bs suspicions, huh? Now, back to my pagan rituals.
  16. Changing my vote to Mr. Kittens if it isn't too late. If killing am innocent makes you feel justified Monty, then I hope you find solace in your bloodlust.
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