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Everything posted by BATMAN

  1. With the tequila thing, mate. That's what I was talking about.
  2. I dunno what kinda evidence you're looking for. This game has been surprisingly uneventful for a mafia game, I thought I was going to get killed due to "inactivity." And wait, Iron Man and I have been practically voting the same for the whole game; If I'm going down, Team Tequila will be ruined! Edit for screencap..?
  3. Whelp. Votes have suddenly turned against me. I was hoping to have more fun this game, what gives?
  4. Actually, that's a good point Drizzy. I change my vote to Stark. And to address your evidence, I've decided that since I'm on the list this round, I'll be changing my vote periodically in anyone's favor. It's another headless game of mafia for me, so I may as well use it to my amusement.
  5. I'm going to vote Drizzy for now. Who's a target this round?
  6. I can cook the spam up, mate. It might have thermite if you've got the tequila..
  7. Changing my vote to Frank, 'cause frankly, it looks like someone's stashing the tequila.
  8. I vote NiNihon, because we still haven't located the tequila.
  9. .... Bnus had the tequila!? WE THOUGHT WE COULD TRUST YOU.
  10. I'm gonna vote Drizzy for now, because I have a hunch he's hiding all the tequila.
  11. Good afternoon, sir; Will that be Level 1 or Level 2? Would you like a Needler or Plasma Pistol with that?
  12. Lol I change my vote to Tequila, for the good of the country.
  13. Dead body if it wasn't decaying, alien if the experience wasn't terrifying/psychologically damaging. But this is only a joke answer because is this kinda question allowed in this thread???
  14. I'm gonna go with Nihon; What's the Intel look like so far?
  15. Damn Twin, you're always an inspiration.
  16. Where's that Zoidberg meme when I need it? Sign me up. I'll take 8!
  17. Well.. That took a minute, but a satisfyingly hilarious end FTW. I survived. I'll be baking cookies first night of the next game.
  18. I don't know, I coulda sworn the votes would be locked soon.
  19. Wait what? I just managed to get lucky on my first kill, doesn't mean that I'm overpowered.
  20. Nuu! So sad to see you go Take care out there!
  21. It's a shame those two kills were gone so quickly..
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