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    the zoo
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    booty patrol

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  1. This has to be the biggest complaint I have with Infinity Big Team. Why is friendly fire turned off for players but not vehicles? Too many times have I been in a powerful vehicle (tank, guass, mech) only to have a teammate disable and destroy it with no betrayal penalty. It is beyond annoying and there is no logic behind the current system. If 343 was so concerned that team killing was an issue why not just remove it completely? Instead you get this kinda crap which is even worse. I feel friendly fire should be on in Big Team, and yes I know, players would still be able to disable and destroy the vehicle I'm in, but at least they would have a chance of being booted. That being said, when are we gonna see a legitimate booting system in a Halo game? Bungie's attempt at it were always horrible, and sadly, 343 is almost as worse. How hard would it be to track the amount of damage a player has dealt to his team during a game? It shouldn't weighed so heavily on betrayals alone. Turning friendly fire off is not the way to deal with the issue IMO, it opens the door for this negative kind of gameplay. Cheers.
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