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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. The other day, I actually got a smart driver, and before we died I had a 24 kill rampage all in the gauss hog.
  2. Frags detonate 1 second after first contact, with anything. If you have a CQC weapon, you can kill in 1 second. IT really depends on the situation.
  3. If I had to face a spartan combat forn, I would just kill myself. It would be a much less painful death.
  4. How come that can never happen to me?
  5. I hate it because it is people like him and his "riends" that ruin the fun for everybody else.
  6. All they are doing is tweaking it to make it better. If you guys read the bulletin, you would know that. It will be back don't worry.
  7. It was only a trial. Everyone who got it for free, lost it today.
  8. The video is in my fileshare of him running around in swat without a head. I wouldnt post it here if it wasnt true.
  9. I use the DMR and have a positive KD ratio. I think you're just mad because you keep getting beat.
  10. The account I faced already has over a 3.0 kd. His gamertag is TAINT n OFSHAME please file a report against him and help me get him stopped. The video is also in my file share, but idk if you can see it.
  11. I filed a report for tampering. Is there a way I can take it a step further?
  12. No, I confronted him about it. He said He has a whole clan that hacks the accounts, then boost the KD by doing that, then sells the accounts to people. I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first, but he admitted everything to me.
  13. Maximum Clutch


    I ran into a guy using the "no head or armor" glitch in swat. It is people like him who take the fun out of the game. As soon as the file share system is up, I will post the video.
  14. You're right, it's not the DMR, do you know why? because it's not supposed to be! Its a close range weapon, like it should be. And it only has one reticle.
  15. My best story was when I got 29 kills from one trip in the gauss hog on exile
  16. I am about SR 89 and have never experienced a hacker. Until you show me game play proof, I will not believe you.
  17. It depends on how much you paid for it.
  18. 9 words M$ covering their @$$ because they made a mistake
  19. It's nice so if you no shield someone and have to reload you can just 1 shot with the magnum.
  20. I just wish they would make it so EVERY single game of slayer wasn't on Haven. I have become so sick of that map.
  21. It was powerful in Reach too. 4 to no shield, 4 more to kill.
  22. I'm about Sr 77. There is this magical little thing called 2xp. Maybe you've heard of it?
  23. I have the LE female avatar armor code that I can't use. If you want it, just message me and I will send you the code. First come, first serve.
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