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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. The Halo Alpha squad is always looking for new members! You can find out about us here http://haloalphas.webstarts.com/ Message me if you want to join.
  2. We are a fairly small Halo 4 clan looking to increase our number of members. If you are looking for a serious clan, or even just some friends to play with, we are the right clan for you! You can find out more about us here http://haloalphas.webstarts.com/ To join, message mo on this site or on Xbox. Gamertag is Maximum Clutch. Thanks for reading!
  3. The DMR is fine. Just because it is a good weapon doesn't automatically give you the skills to be good with it.
  4. I don't reaally think there should be a "final battle" or "boss fight" in an fps. It's either you get the mission done or you don't, and Chief did.
  5. I find every weapon to be balanced, except maybe the boltshot. But with that being said, I don't think they need to change it, I think the game is fine just the way it is. And with Cbr's post, the maps are all balanced. And yes I did like the final mission. It was something unexpected that 343 did to keep us true Halo fans in the series as they set up the story line for another game.
  6. Personally, I love Halo 4. I loved the story line I love the multiplayer, I love the maps, I love everything about it. Before the launch everything was positive, now it's just one complaint after another. It's simple, if you don't like a game, don't play it and leave it for those of us that do.
  7. Looks good. Where can I download it so I can check it out myself?
  8. Dude, there is no friendly fire, at least in slayer.
  9. It still only takes 4 bursts in the body to no shield and one in the head to kill with the br. The two are nearly identical weapons.
  10. I know I played all day on launch day because I had the day off school for election day. If a million people had they day off, they are back at work now. Believe it or not, some people do have a life outside of video games.
  11. I don't think it will be too bad, Halo Reach still had a pretty good community after Black Ops 1 and MW3.
  12. Dude. Halo 4 JUST came out. Play it while you can.
  13. You can join The Halo Alphas! You can learn about us here http://haloalphas.webstarts.com/ Message me on here or on xbox if you are interested.
  14. It slows down a lot around sr-30
  15. We have no way to know what your talking about without a video or something.
  16. This is just a community forum bro. 2343 is never going to see this. Try here Halo.xbox.com
  17. The DMR is SUPPOSED to be a long range weapon. It should be able to shoot all the way across Ragnarok.
  18. I for one love the game and think it is far superior to Reach.
  19. Let me guess, you are also the kind of person that wanted to score right away in grifball aren't you?
  20. You can join the Halo Alphas! Message me on Xbox if yo want to join!
  21. No. Just no. The DMR is a long range weapon don't complain if your being killed at long range by it.
  22. I have never experienced that.
  23. You must play on a very tiny screen if it takes up a quarter of the screen. For me it takes up about the same space as it did on Reach.
  24. Specializations are locked until you get to Sr-50
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