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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. I will, but I'm not playing it until after I beat the campaign.
  2. Plasma weapons have always been very useful. They have their uses just like human weapons. Human weapons aren't very good at taking down shields, but they are health. Plasma weapons aren't good at taking down health but tear through shields.
  3. I always hated when in COD I would join into a game in it's last 30 seconds just to be on the loosing team. It happens every other game and I was really upset when I found out this was in H4.
  4. I got t play with BS Angel and Greenskull once. Videos on my file share i think.
  5. I would say no because you have to open the console box up and they would have to add the copy to there inventory,
  6. Does this include the Fotus Armor from the LE console?
  7. I stopped the video at "a new vehicle" I want to be surprised and I already hate how much i know about the game. 343 needs to stop revealing things.
  8. The remake has to be blood gultch. It has been in every single Halo game.
  9. Dang. I wish I had that kind of money to blow on toys.
  10. You must quite allot to keep getting a ban. Since Reach came out i think iv'e been banned twice.
  11. 10 original maps, no forged maps. idk where you got that from
  12. Just pace your shots, and dont aim ahead like you had to in Halo 3, make sure your reiticle is right on the body when you fire.
  13. War games will strictly be Spartan on Spartan
  14. Kinda like CE for the pc. A custom game browser.
  15. i earn about 7,000- 10,000 credits in a game of btb, i am a nova.
  16. Probably grenade, seeings as you throw grenades, throwing the ball? Idk.
  17. I would love to see that. It would never be in match making but it would be so fun in custom games.
  18. Seeings how people are so greedy, and want the points all to themselves I really don't think this feature will be used too much.
  19. It would require a great deal of team work, i could also it being some fun entertainment for some trolls. Either way i have full confidence in 343.
  20. people who dont want it or dont care, thats who. as several before me have stated, halo needs to keep changing or it will die out.
  21. AC3 will have a brand new multiplayer, and a better campaign, i say go with AC3.
  22. Because i don't have any points. If i did, i wouldn't have this problem.
  23. Does anybody have an extra Mass Effect 3 online pass? Or anybody that does have it maybe let me license transfer it? I would very much appreciate it.
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