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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. I can haz? jk i wouldn't want it. I don't thing BUNGiE should have ever given away there blue flames. When the app first came out, everyone was pretending to be them.
  2. If you have a flashed xbox and some blank dvds, you can still torrent games. Idk if you can play them online though.
  3. I didn't have to do anything, i just felt like playing one day and it was there.
  4. I wish there was a way to distinguish accidental and on purpose betrayals. More and more lately, I have thrown a plasma grenade, and a team mate will just run on top of it to boot me. Or when there's a big firefight going on, and a team mate gets in the way of my grenade. That really irritates me. I remember one time I was sniping on bone yard, and on a perfection. A team mate spawned in front of me right as i pulled the trigger and i got booted. The betrayal system is really broken in Reach. I was playing Halo 3 today and i noticed it said " so and so has betrayed you AGAIN, would you like to boot them" but that was after like 4 or 5 times.
  5. The only difference i've noticed while in my iphone is i cannot use the chat box.
  6. You can join The Halo Alphas! You can check us out at http://haloalphas.webstarts.com/ Message me if you want to join!
  7. If the second disc were Forward Unto Dawn, i would think it would be a dvd, not an xbox 360 disc. So it looks like halo 4 will have two discs.
  8. Personally, i like bloom. It has been in every single Halo game. And I'm not sure what your problem is with grenades, they're not over powered, and they don't have that big of a radius, I almost always have time to back away from a grenade before it goes off.
  9. I would like to see the original MK. V return.
  10. I think they need to make a 343 exclusive armor, like when Bugie had recon, and give it out to those select few who can do incredible things, like snipe themselves.
  11. The LE Console comes with a standard edition of the game, you don't get anything the LE game has. On the other hand you do get exclusives, like armor and skins with the console you would not get with the LE game. LE game has more content all together. It just depends do you really need another console?
  12. Bloom has been in every Halo game, so stop being a n00b and you wont have to worry about it.
  13. ODST's FF was way more challenging, way more fun, and you couldn't cheat by tweaking the settings.
  14. Blood Gulch has been in every single Halo, well idk about wars but all the other ones. It's like a Halo tradition. 343 better bring it back.
  15. sometimes you get discounts like on arcade games.
  16. I like the auto reload glitch in CE where you can hit reload twice and keep shooting while your other gun auto reloads when it isnt out. This works with every weapon except the shotgun.
  17. I choose... The .50 Cal! Boom Headshot! sniper all the way
  18. I just got to 117 posts!

  19. I really like this map. I like the symmetry it has, and i like every map with a sniper rifle.
  20. It would have to be a tie between Sword Base and Powerhouse, mainly because they were in the beta and the beta was amazing.
  21. It would be cool, and also it would never happen. I wouldn't midnd kickin' some Covey @$$
  22. Nope, sorry. If it wasn't in CE it's not in CEA.
  23. I cannot stand grifball. I can never find a decent game and i get betrayed every other second.
  24. DMR- because i love it. Plasma pistol, to EMP vehicles Plasma grenades, fo stick people, vehicles Promethean vision, to not run into stupid n00bs camping
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